Sep 08, 2024  
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Perkins School of Theology: Academic Calendar

Fall 2017


15–16, Tuesday–Wednesday: Intern orientation

17, Thursday: Orientation for all new students

17-18, Thursday–Friday: Late registration, 206 Kirby Hall, Registrar’s Office

18, Friday: Last day to withdraw from all classes without any tuition charge

21, Monday: First day of classes for Dallas

24, Thursday: First day of classes in Houston-Galveston program

25, Friday: Last day to enroll, add a course or drop a course without tuition billing while remaining enrolled for the term

25, Friday: Last day to file for December graduation


1, Friday: Last day to drop a course without academic record (tuition charges apply)/withdraw from university without academic record (withdrawal refund schedule applies)

4, Monday: Labor Day – University holiday (offices closed and no classes)

7, Thursday: Inside Perkins in Dallas

8-9, Friday–Saturday: Faculty conference

20, Wednesday: Tuition and fees due to SMU

22, Friday: Divisional meetings, 11:30 a.m.


2, Monday: Perkins faculty meeting, 9:30 a.m.

5, Thursday: Inside Perkins in Dallas

9-11, Monday–Wednesday: Perkins Fall Break (no classes)

13, Friday: Divisional meetings, 11:30 a.m.

19, Thursday: Inside Perkins in Houston

23, Monday: Faculty as Guild, 9:30 a.m.

27, Friday: 60% point of the term that federal financial aid has been earned if a student officially withdraws from SMU; prior to this date a partial calculated return to federal programs will be required

31-November 10, Tuesday-Friday: Advance registration for spring term and Jan term


3, Friday: Last day to drop a class for fall term (grade of W)

6, Monday: Perkins faculty meeting, 9:30 a.m.

10, Friday: Divisional meetings, 11:30 a.m.

13-14, Monday-Tuesday: Fall Convocation for Church Leaders

14, Tuesday: Inside Perkins in Dallas

21, Tuesday: Last day to withdraw from the University (grade of W)

22, Wednesday: Last day of classes in Dallas

23-24, Thursday–Friday: Thanksgiving recess – University holidays (offices closed)

27–December 1, Monday–Friday: Reading and writing period


1, Friday: Last day of classes/finals in Houston

1, Friday: Last day for submission of all written work, 5 p.m.

4, Monday: Perkins faculty meeting, 9:30 a.m.

4-8, Monday–Friday: Final Examinations in Dallas

7, Thursday: Inside Perkins in Dallas

7, Thursday:  Advent worship service, Perkins Chapel, 4 and 8 p.m.

12, Tuesday: Grades must be posted by noon

16, Saturday: December Commencement Convocation/Official close of term and conferral of degrees

25–January 1, Monday-Monday: Winter Break – University holidays (offices closed)

Jan Term 2018


22, Friday: Tuition for January term due to SMU


1, Monday: New Year’s Day – University holiday (offices closed)

2, Tuesday: First day of class

3, Wednesday: Last day to enroll or change class

5, Friday: Last day to drop a course or withdraw from the University (grade of W)

2-12, Tuesday–Friday: Doctor of Ministry Jan term session

2-19, Tuesday–Friday: Perkins Jan term

5-12, Friday–Friday: United Methodist Certification in Christian Education, Children’s Ministry and Older Adult Ministries

9, Tuesday: Doctor of Ministry Information Session

13, Saturday: 60% point of the term that federal financial aid has been earned if a student officially withdraws from SMU; prior to this date a partial calculated return to federal programs will be required

15, Monday: Martin Luther King, Jr., Day – University holiday (offices closed)

19, Friday: Last day of class (includes exam)

19, Friday: Degree Conferrals

Spring 2018


23, Tuesday: Orientation for new students

24, Wednesday: Last day to withdraw from all classes without any tuition charge

24-25, Wednesday–Thursday: Late registration, 206 Kirby Hall, Registrar’s Office

25, Thursday: First day of classes in Dallas and Houston-Galveston

26, Friday: Last day to file for May graduation

29, Monday: Perkins faculty meeting, 9:30 a.m.

31, Wednesday: Last day to enroll, add a course or drop a course without tuition billing while remaining enrolled for the term


7, Wednesday: Last day to drop a course without academic record (tuition charges apply)/withdraw from the university without academic record (withdrawal refund schedule applies)

9, Friday: Inside Perkins in Dallas

16, Friday: Divisional meetings, 11:30 a.m.

20, Tuesday: Doctor of Ministry Information Session


5, Monday: Perkins faculty meeting, 9:30 a.m.

10-18, Saturday-Sunday: Perkins and SMU spring break

22, Thursday: Inside Perkins (evening event)

22-24, Thursday-Saturday: Perkins Theological School for the Laity

23, Friday: Divisional meetings, 11:30 a.m.

25, Sunday: FaithCalls Spring Forum

29-30, Thursday–Friday: Easter recess (no classes)

30, Friday: Good Friday – University holiday (offices closed)


2, Monday: Perkins faculty meeting, 9:30 a.m.

3-13, Tuesday–Friday: Advance registration for summer and fall terms

6, Friday: 60% point of the term that federal financial aid has been earned if a student officially withdraws from SMU; prior to this date a partial calculated return to federal programs will be required

9, Monday: Faculty as Guild, 9:30 a.m.

11, Wednesday: Last day to drop a class for spring term (grade of W)

11, Wednesday: Inside Perkins in Dallas

20, Friday: Divisional meetings, 11:30 a.m.

24, Tuesday: Doctor of Ministry Information Session

26, Thursday: Inside Perkins in  Houston

27, Friday: Last day to withdraw from the University (grade of W)

30, Monday: Perkins faculty meeting, 9:30 a.m.


3, Thursday: Last day of classes for Houston-Galveston program

4, Friday: Last day of classes in Dallas

7-10, Monday–Thursday: Reading and writing period

10, Thursday: Last day for submission of all written work, 5 p.m.

11-16, Friday–Wednesday: Final examinations in Dallas

18, Friday: Grades must be posted by noon

19, Saturday: Commencement Convocation, 9:30 a.m., Moody Coliseum. Official close of term and degree conferrals

19, Saturday: A Celebration of Degrees and Academic Achievements, 2 p.m., Highland Park United Methodist Church

Summer 2018

Summer One


28, Monday: Memorial Day – University holiday (offices closed)

29–July 6, Tuesday–Friday: Perkins summer session (Summer One)

29, Tuesday: First day of classes

31, Thursday: Last day to enroll, add a course or drop a course without tuition billing while remaining enrolled for the term


7, Thursday: Last day to file for August graduation

9-16, Saturday-Saturday: FaithCalls Summer Academy

11-22, Monday–Friday: Doctor of Ministry summer session (Dallas)

14-22, Thursday–Friday: United Methodist Certification for Church Music

19, Tuesday: Doctor of Ministry Information Session

22, Friday: 60% point of the term that federal financial aid has been earned if a student officially withdraws from SMU; prior to this date a partial calculated return to federal programs will be required

22, Friday: Last day to drop a course (grade of W)

27, Wednesday:  Last day to withdraw from university with a grade of W. 


4, Wednesday: Independence Day – University holiday (offices closed)

6, Friday:  Last day of class (includes exam)

Summer Two


8–20, Sunday–Friday: Course of Study School

9, Monday: First day of class

10, Tuesday: Last day to enroll, add a course or drop a course without tuition billing while remaining enrolled for the term

16-27, Monday-Friday: Doctor of Ministry summer session (Singapore)

23, Monday: Last day to drop a course (grade of W)

25, Wednesday: 60% point of the term that federal financial aid has been earned if a student officially withdraws from SMU; prior to this date a partial calculated return to federal programs will be required

30, Monday: Last day to withdraw from university with a grade of W.


3, Friday: Last day of class (includes exam)

7, Tuesday: Official close of term and conferral of degrees


More information about the academic calendar for the Houston-Galveston program is available at and from the program’s office in Houston.