Mar 10, 2025  
2018-2019 Graduate Catalog 
2018-2019 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Simmons School of Education and Human Development: Student Life and Housing

Student Affairs

The Division of Student Affairs ( creates and supports a robust student experience and forges strategic partnerships to best serve the entire SMU community. As educators and scholar-practitioners, we create purposeful learning and leadership opportunities for students to clarify and develop their knowledge, values, skills, and identities – challenging each to become a world changer.

Academic Integrity and Code of Conduct

The Honor Code of Southern Methodist University

Intellectual integrity and academic honesty are fundamental to the processes of learning and of evaluating academic performance, and maintaining them is the responsibility of all members of an educational institution. The inculcation of personal standards of honesty and integrity is a goal of education in all the disciplines of the University.

The faculty has the responsibility of encouraging and maintaining an atmosphere of academic honesty by being certain that students are aware of the value of it, understand the regulations defining it and know the penalties for departing from it. The faculty should, as far as is reasonably possible, assist students in avoiding the temptation to cheat. Faculty members must be aware that permitting dishonesty is not open to personal choice. A professor or instructor who is unwilling to act upon offenses is an accessory with the student offender in deteriorating the integrity of the University.

Students must share the responsibility for creating and maintaining an atmosphere of honesty and integrity. Students should be aware that personal experience in completing assigned work is essential to learning. Permitting others to prepare their work, using published or unpublished summaries as a substitute for studying required material, or giving or receiving unauthorized assistance in the preparation of work to be submitted are directly contrary to the honest process of learning. Students who are aware that others in a course are cheating or otherwise acting dishonestly have the responsibility to inform the professor and/or bring an accusation to the Honor Council.

Students and faculty members must share the knowledge that any dishonest practices permitted will make it more difficult for the honest students to be evaluated and graded fairly and will damage the integrity of the whole University. Students should recognize that their own interests and their integrity as individuals would suffer if they condone dishonesty in others.

The Honor System

In support of the Honor Code, the Honor Council has the responsibility to maintain and promote academic integrity. The Honor Council is composed of a minimum of 27 members selected through an application and interview process organized by the Honor Council Executive Board.

Academic dishonesty includes plagiarism, cheating, academic sabotage, facilitating academic dishonesty and fabrication. Plagiarism is prohibited in all papers, projects, take-home exams or any other assignments in which the student submits another’s work as being his or her own. Cheating is defined as intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information or study aids in any academic exercise. Academic sabotage is defined as intentionally taking any action that negatively affects the academic work of another student. Facilitating academic dishonesty is defined as intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another to violate any provision of the Honor Code. Fabrication is defined as intentional and unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise.

Code of Conduct

The following are University procedures and standards with which every student must become familiar. The University considers matriculation at SMU an implicit covenant and a declaration of acceptance on the part of the student of all University regulations.

Standards of conduct are established through faculty, student and administrative efforts and are under continuous evaluation by the entire University community in order to assure reasonable and fair limits. At SMU, the student is assumed to have a high degree of loyalty and responsibility to the University and its well-being, as well as to himself or herself in personal, social and intellectual pursuits; the student’s behavior both on and off campus is evidence of this.

Students at SMU will discover that they are encouraged to exercise a great amount of personal freedom as well as accompanying responsibilities. Through their personal capacities for intelligent thought and action, mature students understand that there are situations in which certain behavior must be modified for the benefit of others. The University stands firm in its commitments to the rights and freedoms of students, expecting in return the same respect and concern.

Due respect for the entire University community, faculty, staff and one’s fellow students is always expected. The University expects all students to be responsible citizens and to abide by all federal, state and local laws. The University Code of Conduct applies to students both on and off campus. It is the University’s expectation that students will avoid behaviors such as, but not limited to, the misuse of drugs and alcohol, dishonesty, gambling, hazing, or behavior that endangers or threatens to endanger the health and safety of any person.

Students are required to identify themselves when asked by a properly identified faculty or staff member, or by another student serving as a University staff member. Persons who are not members of the University community and without business on campus may be asked to leave.

Conduct Review Process

Clear disciplinary procedures are an important part of the mission of SMU as an educational institution. The intent of the system of due process at SMU is to be educational and not merely punitive for students. The goal continues to be to produce quality citizens. The purpose of the conduct review process is to encourage personal responsibility.

Depending on the degree of misconduct, a student may be subject to sanctions ranging from an informal warning to expulsion from the University. In addition, a student may be assigned educational sanctions designed to promote personal growth and development. Should a student be asked to leave the University, he or she should do so in an expeditious and peaceful manner. The student should remain off campus until he or she receives written permission from the Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards to return to campus. In the event of such separation, a student is still responsible for University financial obligations.

Having voluntarily enrolled as students at Southern Methodist University and assumed a place in the University community, all students are presumed to be knowledgeable of, and have agreed to abide by, the rules and regulations set forth in the Student Code of Conduct.


The Department of Residence Life and Student Housing supports the goals of the University by creating residential communities that empower residents to value learning, citizenship and leadership in comfortable, well-maintained facilities. The department is responsible for the campus residential community, including all residence halls, SMU-owned apartments and SMU-owned Greek chapter houses.

Hegi Family Career Development Center

The Hegi Family Career Development Center at SMU is dedicated to serving the needs of SMU students and alumni and assisting employers in reaching qualified candidates from SMU. The Career Development Center staff guides and encourages students and alumni in the development of skills necessary for lifelong career management and offers opportunities for employers to recruit students through campus events and online resources. At Hegi, the staff cares about helping students develop into well-rounded individuals, and is dedicated to values of consistency, authenticity and commitment to excellence.

Career Express Drop-in Hours. The Career Center offers 15-minute sessions to drop-ins on a first-come, first-served, basis. In these sessions, students can discuss career options or get help editing a resume. Additional information is available on our website at

Counseling Appointments. The Career Center also provides opportunities for counseling appointments with a staff member. These longer sessions can help students navigate the more complex issues of career development including, self-understanding, goal creation and career strategies.

Peer Mentors. Peer Mentors are highly trained student leaders who help fellow students navigate the career development process, including assisting with drop-ins, editing cover letters and resumes, and representing Hegi at campus events.

Career Development Ambassadors. CDA is a student organization designed to provide career development opportunities on the SMU Campus. CDAs organize events for the SMU community, which inspire engagement in the career development process, develop students’ career tools, and provide networking opportunities.

Experiential Learning. Want to learn more about an industry, company or specific job? Experiential learning is the best way to do so. Below are some easy ways to get connected:

  • Coffee Chats: Meet an employer in an informal setting to learn about their career journey.
  • Mentors: Connect and develop a relationship with an SMU alum who is in a career you are interested in.
  • Externship: Shadow an SMU alum for the day and learn about their career path and what they do on a daily basis. The SMU Connection program is a partnership with Alumni Relations, which provides students exposure to today’s competitive and ever-changing job market.
  • Informational Interview: Have a conversation with an alum and/or employer for an hour to learn out their education and career path.

Employer Events. Our Office cultivates meaningful relationships with organizations and employers who are invested in networking with dynamic, talented and skilled students across SMU’s liberal and communication arts communities. Throughout the year, the Career Center hosts 2-4 Career and Internship Fairs, along with a host of Employer Industry Panels, Company Information Sessions and Industry Training and Development Workshops. These events offer students an opportunity to work with employers and alumni and to learn the skills necessary to be successful in the workplace.

Student Life

The Office of the Dean of Student Life ( educates students and the SMU community by providing purposeful opportunities for learning, growing, clarifying values, and developing decision-making and other skills that promote civility and well-being. Located in the Hughes-Trigg Student Center, the office is a resource for students to consult when they need general information and assistance. The dean serves as a primary liaison for students and parents who have concerns about any aspect of their SMU experience.

Student Activities

The mission of Student Activities is to advise and support student organizations and to encourage student development through involvement. Research shows that students who get involved outside the classroom, regardless of the type of activity, tend to be more successful during their college experience. StuAct supports more than 200 extracurricular opportunities for SMU students through academic and professional associations, campus programming councils, community service coalitions, fraternities and sororities, governing boards, honor societies, multicultural organizations, political clubs, club sports, religious organizations, and special interest groups. Professional staff are available to answer student’s questions about getting involved and student organization operations.

The Student Activities Office is located on the third floor of the Hughes-Trigg Student Center, in Suite 314. Campus activities and organizations are an integral part of the developmental experience for students and a long-standing SMU tradition. Participation can help students develop leadership skills and provide inter-personal, social and cultural experiences.

Additional information is available online, including organization interests or type, membership requirements, contact information and event calendars. StuAct can also assist students in forming a new organization. To learn more visit

Eligibility Requirements. Students who hold office in a student organization or represent the University as a member of a sponsored campus group (Mustang Band, Alternative Breaks, etc.) must be matriculated in a University degree-granting program, maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA, and may not be on academic probation.

Student Government

Through SMU’s system of representative governance, students participate with faculty and administration in the University’s decision-making process. The primary voice of students in this process is the student-elected Student Senate. The Student Code of Conduct in the SMU Student Handbook is reviewed and updated annually in conjunction with the Student Senate and contains the student code of rights and responsibilities.

Student Center

The Hughes-Trigg Student Center supports the University’s mission by serving as the hub of student life and student activities. The Student Center enhances the student experience on campus by providing services, conveniences, amenities, and resources to facilitate programming. The Student Activities staff strives to provide a safe and communal environment to meet the diverse needs of all individuals. Our space offerings include a 6,400 square-foot ballroom, a tiered, amphitheater-style forum classroom, a 470-person capacity auditorium, a convenience store, a food court with a multifunction dining space, a post office, an art gallery, office and meeting space for student organizations, several lounging and quiet areas for studying, and six meeting rooms.

Veterans Services

The Division of Student Affairs provides a coordinator of veteran support and services through the Office of the Dean of Student Life. The coordinator helps veterans navigate the campus community and connect with available resources on campus and in the greater Dallas community. A chartered student organization, U.S. Military Veterans of SMU (SMU MilVets), meets regularly to provide support to fellow veterans and to participate in fundraisers, care package drives, tailgating on the Boulevard during football games and other activities during the school year. The Veterans Center, located in the Hughes-Trigg Student Center, Suite 323, provides coffee, a refrigerator and microwave, printing, meeting and study space, and a relaxed setting for interacting with fellow veterans. The University Registrar’s Office certifies veterans each term for their benefits under federal programs and the Office of Financial Aid works to provide individual aid packages. More information regarding services and benefits for veterans is available at

Women & LGBT Center

The Women & LGBT Center empowers students within the university to increase awareness and understanding of gender equity issues by eliminating barriers, diminishing prejudices and creating a supportive climate and space for all. Through advocacy, information, referral services and leadership experiences, the center provides a safe haven for students passionate about issues of injustice and oppression. Student organizations advised here include the Feminist Equality Movement; Intersect; Women in Science and Engineering; and Spectrum, a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and ally organization. Also housed in the center is the SMU Women’s Symposium (, which is part of the Education of Women for Social and Political Leadership series, established in 1966. The center provides an informal, homelike atmosphere where members of the SMU community can meet.

Health Services

The Dr. Bob Smith Health Center provides SMU students with campus access to quality, comprehensive and confidential medical care, mental health services, and outreach programs designed to promote their health and well-being Providers and staff exhibit a student-centered approach to care. The new 33,000- square-foot state-of-the-art clinic facility is centrally located on campus at 6211 Bishop Boulevard. The Health Center is certified by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC) for meeting rigorous nationally recognized standards and committing to delivering the highest quality of care.

Medical Services. The Dr. Bob Smith Health Center provides a wide range of health services allowing students to receive quality outpatient care on campus. Services available include the treatment of acute illnesses, care of injuries, minor medical procedures, physical exams, STD testing, vaccinations, allergy injections, and limited specialty services. Additional ancillary services include a clinical laboratory, an on-site pharmacy, X-ray imaging and diagnostic services, and a part-time sports medicine clinic. For appointments and health information, students may call 214-768-2141 or visit

Acute/After Hours Care. Students should call 911 for immediate response to life-threatening injuries or illnesses. For other urgent concerns after clinic hours, students should seek a local hospital or urgent care center. A listing of several hospital emergency rooms and after-hours urgent care facilities is provided for general reference on the Health Center website (

Costs. The Health Services Fee, which is included in general student fees, covers routine medical visits and counseling appointments at the Health Center. Charges are assessed separately for lab services, x-rays, immunizations, medical supplies, pharmacy and specialty care. Claims are filed for students participating in the SMU Student Health Insurance Plan. Students with other insurance plans may request an itemized receipt for insurance reimbursement.

Mandatory Health Insurance Policy. SMU students are required to maintain insurance coverage as a condition of their enrollment. The University offers the SMU Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP), which is administered by the Health Center’s Student Insurance Office. The plan provides extensive coverage at a reasonable cost for most on- and off- campus medical care. Information is available at

Domestic students taking nine or more credit hours and international students taking one credit hour or more are automatically enrolled in the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) each semester unless they expressly waive coverage in Domestic students’ waiver submittal deadline is available online at

Pharmacy. A full service pharmacy is conveniently located in the Dr. Bob Smith Health Center to meet students’ prescription needs from 8:30 a.m. to 5;00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The pharmacy is in network with most insurance plans Prescriptions and refills may be transmitted directly to the pharmacy from the student’s physician.

Immunizations. All students (undergraduate, graduate, part-time and full-time, to include international and IEP/ESL students) are required to have an SMU medical history form on file in the SMU Health Center before registration. All students must also submit to the Health Center immunization records that provide proof of immunization against measles, mumps and rubella. These MMR immunizations must be documented by a physician, public health record, military health record or school health record. Students will not be allowed to register without immunization compliance.

Texas state law requires all new students entering an institution of higher education under the age of 22 to provide proof of immunization for bacterial meningitis. The meningitis vaccine or a booster dose must have been received during the five-year period prior to enrollment and at least ten days before the start of classes. Students seeking exemption from this requirement due to health risk or conscience, including religious belief, should see the second page of the SMU medical history health form. More information is found under Final Matriculation to the University in the Admission to the University section of this catalog.

Students are encouraged to check their my.SMU account for immunization status. Immunizations are available at the Health Center. Health history forms are available on the Health Center’s website (

Class Absence Due to Illness. The Health Center does not issue excuses from classes for illness. Please refer to for the Class Excuse Policy.

Confidentiality and Privacy. Confidentiality and privacy of student health information is of paramount importance at the SMU Health Center. The Health Center follows all applicable state and federal laws related to the disclosure of medical and mental health information, and applies to the highest professional standards of care and privacy. All student-patient health service records information is confidential. No information about a student can be released to any third party without the student’s written permission.

Release of Medical Information. A copy of medical records may be released to a physician only with a written release by the student. A patient may sign a release allowing the Health Center to discuss specific medical information with their parents, significant others or health care representatives.

Health Education and Promotion. The Health Center provides health promotion programs and services to enhance the well-being of SMU students in support of their learning and success. Information is presented to help students make informed and healthy choices. The Health Center works with students to promote activities that create a healthy environment for the SMU community.

Counseling Services. The Counseling Services Department provides crisis intervention, individual and group therapy, psychiatric evaluation and counseling referrals for students. All interviews are conducted on a voluntary and confidential basis. There is no charge to students who have paid the University health fee. Students can seek confidential help for concerns such as anxiety, depression, relationship issues, career/life planning, sexual identity, eating/body image concerns and sexual assault/sexual harassment matters. Alcohol and drug prevention is a free and confidential source of help and information to the SMU community, covering issues related to substance abuse and addiction. Any laboratory tests or pharmaceuticals ordered will be charged to the student. For more information regarding scheduling appointments, students should call 214-768-2277 or visit the counseling website at

Testing Services. Testing Services offers fee-based testing to the Dallas-area community. These services include on-campus administration of national testing programs such as the LSAT, MPRE, GRE and others. Other testing offered includes credit by exam (CLEP), and correspondence examinations for local distance learners enrolled in other universities. For additional information, students should visit or call the center at 214-768-2269.

Child Care

SMU provides a licensed child care center for children ages 2 months to 5 years on a space-available basis. More information is available at or from the director of the center at SMU Preschool and Child Care Center, Southern Methodist University, PO Box 215, Dallas TX 75275-0215; phone 214-768-2278.

Recreational Sports

Dedman Center for Lifetime Sports is a 170,000 square foot facility designed for recreational sports and wellness. The center provides racquetball courts, aerobic studios, an indoor running track, basketball courts, volleyball courts (indoor and outdoor), a climbing wall, a bouldering wall, a 25-meter recreational pool with five lanes, 15,000 square feet of fitness and weight equipment, and a Starbucks in the lobby area. These facilities are open to SMU students, faculty, staff and paying members.

A variety of services and programs are available, including fitness classes, intramural sports, sport clubs, the Outdoor Adventure program, personal training, personal assessments, swimming lessons and camps.

Fitness. SMU Fitness offers group exercise classes and personal training sessions. Group X exercise classes are offered throughout the day to accommodate a variety of schedules. Different types of cardio, strength and flexibility classes are available. Experienced and knowledgeable trainers offer sessions to train members of the University community, either one-on-one or in groups, to meet their personal fitness goals. All SMU Fitness programs have a fee for participation.

Intramural Sports. Many opportunities for team and individual competition are available through intramural sports such as golf, racquetball, tennis, and dodgeball. The five major sports are flag football, volleyball, basketball, soccer and softball. Leagues provide year-round opportunities to participate in a wide variety of sports and activities. Additional leadership opportunities are available for those interested in officiating or supervising various activities. Teams and individuals register online at

Club Sports. Club sports offer an opportunity for students interested in concentrated training and participation in a sport. These recognized student organizations offer competition with other university/college club teams in baseball, cycling, ice hockey, men’s and women’s lacrosse, polo, rugby, men’s and women’s soccer, triathlon, ultimate Frisbee, volleyball, wakeboarding and water polo.

Aquatics. SMU Aquatics features a five-lane, indoor recreational pool and an out-door, zero-depth entry fountain pool known as “The Falls.” Students have opportunities to participate year-round in recreational swimming, sunbathing and water sports such as water basketball, volleyball and polo. Classes offered include water fitness, adult and child swimming lessons, children’s group lessons, and American Red Cross lifeguard training.

Outdoor Adventures. SMU Outdoor Adventures is the campus source for outdoor recreation and adventure, offering fun and challenging recreational adventure activities, community-building programs, and student leadership and personal growth opportunities. The Outdoor Adventure Center, located on the bottom floor of the Dedman Center for Lifetime Sports, is the place to rent outdoor recreation and picnic equipment. Students can sign up for SMU OA trips offering traditional and non-traditional outdoor adventure pursuits such as backpacking, rock climbing, caving and canoeing. SMU OA also manages the SMU Climbing Center, the indoor climbing and bouldering facility, and the Portable Challenge and Team Development course.

Mustang Band. Founded in 1917, the Mustang Band was named the “Best College Marching Band” in Texas in Kirk Dooley’s Book of Texas Bests. Long known as “the hub of SMU spirit,” the band represents the University at football and basketball games, produces the Pigskin Revue during Homecoming and performs at special University- and community-related events. Membership is open to all SMU students by audition, regardless of major, and scholarships based on need and ability are available.

Spirit Squads. The Mustang Cheerleaders, Mustang Pom Squad and Peruna mascot are integral parts of SMU’s spirit tradition and are national award winners, having participated in the NCA/NDA Collegiate National Championships. Along with the Mustang Band, they make SMU’s spirit contingent an outstanding one.

Intercollegiate Athletics. SMU is a member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (Division I-A). Men and women student-athletes compete in basketball, cross-country/track and field (women only), swimming and diving, golf, soccer, tennis, volleyball (women only), crew (women only), equestrian (women only), and football (men only).

Values and Community

Office of the Chaplain and Religious Life

The Office of the Chaplain and Religious Life offers resources of pastoral care and theological reflection that nurture spiritual and vocational development as well as the moral and ethical vision and character of students, faculty and staff. Dr. Stephen W. Rankin is the chaplain and minister to the University community. Chaplain Rankin leads and preaches at Underground, an ecumenically Christian, all-University service of worship, in Hughes-Trigg Theater each Wednesday during the term. Students, faculty and staff are invited to participate in this service through music, scripture readings or other expressions of worship. Other services, including the University Service of Memory, Ash Wednesday Service and memorial services as needed, are also planned and implemented by the Office of the Chaplain.

Presently, there are more than 30 religious life organizations. Alongside the Christian groups aligned with denominations, local Dallas-area congregations or national parachurch ministries, SMU also has an active Hillel chapter for Jewish students, a bustling Muslim Student Association and other faith groups of various traditions. A large number of undergraduate, graduate and professional students, as well as many of SMU’s faculty, staff and administrators, participate in these dynamic religious communities.

In cooperation with the Department of Residence Life and Student Housing, the Office of the Chaplain places in each residential commons a residential community chaplain who provides a pastoral presence and help for students navigating the sometimes confusing concerns of life.

Additionally, the Office of the Chaplain partners with faculty members across campus to direct the Faith and Learning Scholars, an initiative involving a cohort of students who want the experience of integrating their faith with their academic pursuits. Similarly, the Civil Rights Pilgrimage, founded in 2004, is an eight-day spring break journey through the South whereby students encounter shrines of freedom and meet heroes of the civil rights movement. This collaboration with Dedman College offers students a transformative opportunity while earning academic credit.

Chaplains are available for personal counseling and spiritual direction with students, faculty and staff during office hours. The Office of the Chaplain is located in the Hughes-Trigg Student Center, Suite 316. Adjacent to this office is the Quiet Place, a setting for meditation, prayer and reflection for all faiths. The Quiet Place is open daily and available with no prior reservation needed.

Community Engagement and Leadership

The Community Engagement and Leadership Center, a department in the Division of Student Affairs, develops student leaders through educational and transformational experiences that equip them to have a positive impact on social change. CEL advises and supports two student-run service-based organizations, Alternative Breaks and Mustang Heroes, which provide students the opportunity to participate in service trips in Dallas and throughout the United States. CEL also hosts the annual Stampede of Service and MLK Day of Service.

The leadership programs available to students include the Emerging Leaders First-Year Leadership Development Program, the Crain Leadership Summit, the Mustang Intersections Leadership Retreat for Diversity and Social Change, and the Lonestar LeaderShape Institute. CEL also supports student leadership development through the Caswell Leadership Program, a grant opportunity for a group of selected students to develop projects focused on organizational leadership, faith-based leadership, community-based leadership, environmental leadership, fraternity and sorority leadership, or culturally competent leadership.

Multicultural Student Affairs

The Office of Multicultural Student Affairs works collaboratively with the campus community to provide support for students of color and to create an environment that fosters inclusivity and a deeper understanding of diversity. The office focuses on holistic development, advocacy and comprehensive student success. In addition, the office sponsors diversity and social justice education programs such as InterSECTIONS and Real Talk to provide opportunities for the exchange of ideas and experiences that enhance student perspectives, and offers various leadership opportunities through culturally based student organizations, peer dialogue leader positions and the CONNECT Mentoring and Retention Program. For more information, visit our website at

Residence Accommodations

The University prides itself on offering a full living and learning experience for its resident students. The mission of the Department of Residence Life and Student Housing is to advance the goals and objectives of the University by creating residential communities that empower residents to value learning, citizenship and leadership. To this end, RLSH seeks opportunities to promote an intellectual culture in SMU’s residential communities that complements an already flourishing campus social culture. RLSH is responsible for residence halls, 11 Residential Commons and 10 SMU-owned Greek chapter houses. This responsibility includes making sure that facilities are well maintained and that students have opportunities to grow personally and excel academically.

Housing Policy for All Students

All incoming first-year undergraduate students are required to live on campus during their first two years at SMU. Exceptions may be granted on the basis of a financial, medical or personal hardship at the discretion of the dean of RLSH to those students from Dallas/Fort Worth who live with a parent or legal guardian in the primary residence of the parent or guardian. For housing purposes, the two years means the first two years of college. Incoming transfer students who are over the age of 16 and under the age of 20 are required to live on-campus for their first year at SMU. For 2018–2019, upperclass and graduate students are not required to live on campus but may apply on a space-available basis.

Applications for Residence

New graduate students should submit the completed application and housing license agreement to RLSH with a check or money order for $100 made payable to Southern Methodist University for the nonrefundable housing deposit. Notification of assignment will be made by RLSH.

The housing license agreement is for the full academic year (fall and spring terms). Room charges for the fall term will be billed and are payable in advance of the term for students who register before August 1, and room charges for the spring term will be billed and are payable in advance of that term for students who register before December 1. Students who register after these dates must pay at the time of registration. Room charges for the full academic year will be due and payable should a student move out at any time during the school year. Accommodations for shorter periods are available only by special arrangement with RLSH before acceptance of the housing license agreement. It is important that applicants become familiar with the license agreement, as it is a legally binding document.

Graduate Residence Accommodations

The Department of Residence Life and Student Housing operates one apartment residence hall designated for graduate students. Martin Hall, a single occupancy, efficiency apartment facility, houses single graduate students and senior undergraduates.

Special Housing Needs

Students having special housing needs because of a disability should contact the SMU Office of Disability Accommodations and Success Strategies in order to establish eligibility for accommodations. When applying for housing, students should also submit information to RLSH regarding a request for accommodations. DASS and RLSH will work together with the student on their specific situation to make necessary accommodations.

General Housing Information

Each apartment is furnished with a Murphy bed, desk, dresser, kitchen dining table and chairs. All university residences have wired and wireless Ethernet connections to the University’s computer system. All residence halls are air-conditioned and some have individually climate-controlled rooms. Washing machines and dryers are located in all residence halls. Meal plans are not required in the graduate hall. For more information, students should visit or contact the Department of Residence Life and Student Housing, Southern Methodist University, PO Box 750215, Dallas TX 75275-0215; phone 214-768-2407; fax 214-768-4005;