Mar 02, 2025  
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Dedman School of Law: Academic Calendar

Fall Term 2020

August 17, Monday: Classes begin

August 21, Friday: Last day to enroll, add a course or drop a course without tuition billing while remaining enrolled for the term

August 28, Friday: Last day to drop a course without academic record (tuition charges apply). Last day to withdraw from the University without academic record (withdrawal refund schedule applies). See Bursar’s website for more information.

September 7, Monday: University Holiday, Labor Day

October 27, Tuesday: 60% point of the term that federal financial aid has been earned if a student officially withdraws from SMU; prior to this date a partial calculated return to federal programs will be required. 

November 23, Monday: Classes end; Last day to drop a course or withdraw from University with a grade of “W”. (Permission of instructor)

November 24, Tuesday: Reading Day

November 25, Wednesday: No classes

November 26-27, Thursday-Friday: University Holidays, Thanksgiving

November 30, Monday: Reading Day

December 1, Tuesday: Examinations begin

December 11, Friday: Examinations end

December 19, Saturday: Official close of term, degree conferral date and December Commencement Convocation

December 23-January 1, Wednesday-Friday: University Holidays, Winter Break

Spring Term 2021

(*updated* 10/20/2020)

January 13, Wednesday: Classes begin

January 18, Monday: University Holiday, Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.

January 20, Wednesday: Last day to enroll, add a course or drop a course without tuition billing while remaining enrolled for the term

January 20, Wednesday: Follow Monday Class Schedule

January 27, Wednesday: Last day to drop a course without academic record (tuition charges apply).  Last day to withdraw from the University without academic record (withdrawal refund schedule applies). See Bursar’s website for more information.

March 22, Monday: 60% point of the term that federal financial aid has been earned if a student officially withdraws from SMU; prior to this date a partial calculated return to federal programs will be required. 

April 2, Friday: University Holiday, Good Friday

April 22, Thursday: Last day to drop a course or withdraw from University with a grade of “W”.

April 22, Thursday: Last day of instruction (Follow Friday Class Schedule)

April 23, Friday: Reading Day

April 26, Monday: Examinations begin

May 6, Thursday: Examinations end

May 15, Saturday: Official close of term, degree conferral date, Commencement Convocation and Dedman School of Law Hooding Ceremony

May Term 2021

May 10, Monday: Classes begin

May 11, Tuesday: Last day to add any hours to your schedule; last day to drop without receiving a grade of “W”

May 30, Sunday: 60% point of the term that federal financial aid has been earned if a student officially withdraws from SMU; prior to this date a partial calculated return to federal programs will be required. 

May 31, Monday: University Holiday, Memorial Day

June 8, Tuesday: Classes end; Last day to drop a course or withdraw from University with a grade of “W”. (Permission from instructor)

June 9-10, Wednesday-Thursday: Reading Days

June 11, Friday: Final Exams

Summer Term 2021

May 17, Monday: Classes begin

May 20, Thursday: Last day to add any hours to your schedule; last day to drop without receiving a grade of “W

May 31, Monday: University Holiday, Memorial Day

June 21, Monday: 60% point of the term that federal financial aid has been earned if a student officially withdraws from SMU; prior to this date a partial calculated return to federal programs will be required. 

July 5, Monday: University Holiday, Independence Day

July 6, Tuesday: Classes end; Last day to drop a course or withdraw from University with a grade of “W”. (Permission from instructor)

July 7-8, Wednesday-Thursday: Reading Days

July 9, Friday: Examinations begin

July 12, Monday: Examinations end

August 4, Wednesday: Official close of term and degree conferral date

August Term 2021

Each August Term course may have unique start and end dates within the August 2-12 term to accommodate the particular needs of the course.

August 2, Monday: Classes begin

August 2, Monday:  Last day to add any hours to your schedule; last day to drop without recieving a grade of “W

August 9, Monday: 60% point of the term that federal financial aid has been earned if a student officially withdraws from SMU; prior to this date a partial calculated return to federal programs will be required.

August 10, Tuesday: Classes end; last day to drop a course or withdraw from University with a grade of “W”. (Permission from instructor.)

August 11, Wednesday: Reading Day

August 12, Thursday: Final Exams

Major Religious Holidays

Listing of religious holidays for use in requesting excused absences according to University Policy, Excused Absences for University Extracurricular Activities and Religious Holidays. For religious holidays not listed, the instructor or supervisor may contact the Office of the Chaplain.


Christmas: December 25, 2019

Good Friday: April 10, 2020

Easter Sunday: April 12, 2020

Easter Sunday (Orthodox): April 19, 2020


Janmashtami: August 23, 2019

Dasera: October 7, 2019

Diwali: October 27, 2019


Rosh Hashanah: September 30, 2019

Yom Kippur: October 9, 2019

Sukkot/Simchat Torah: October 14-15, 2019

Hanukkah: December 23, 2019

Purim: March 10, 2020

Pesach (Passover): April 9-10, 2020

Shavuot: May 29, 2020


Eid al-Adha: August 12, 2019

Islamic New Year: August 31, 2019

Ashura: September 10, 2019

Mawlid an-Nabi: November 10, 2019

Ramadan: April 24, 2020

Eid al-Fitr: May 24, 2020

* All holidays begin at sundown before the first day noted and conclude at sundown on the day(s) noted.

For Payment Due Dates, see the SMU Bursar website. Offices of the University will be closed September 2, 2019; November 28-29, 2019; December 23, 2019–January 1, 2020; January 20, 2020; April 10, 2020; May 25, 2020 and July 3, 2020.