Office of the Academic Deans
Thomas DiPiero, Dean
Renee McDonald, Senior Associate Dean for Research and Academic Affairs
Thomas W. Carr, Associate Dean for Curriculum
Michael A. Adler, SMU-in-Taos Executive Director
Stephanie Amsel, Discernment and Discourse Director
Greg Brownderville, Creative Writing Director
Josephine Caldwell-Ryan, Women’s and Gender Studies Director
Thomas Carr, Individualized Studies in the Liberal Arts Director
Karisa T. Cloward, Interdisciplinary Institute Director
Pamela Corley, Law and Legal Reasoning Director
Melissa Barden Dowling, Classical Studies Director
Jeffrey A. Engel, Center for Presidential History Director
Andrew R. Graybill, Clements Center for Southwest Studies Director
Rick Halperin, Human Rights Director
Daniel Heitjan, Biostatistics Program Director
James Hollifield, John Goodwin Tower Center for Political Studies Director
Dennis S. Ippolito, Public Policy Director
Richard Jones, Health Sciences Director
Shira Lander, Jewish Studies Director
Steven E. Lindquist, Global and Regional Studies Director, Asian Studies Director
Luigi Manzetti, International Studies Director
Monnie McGee, Master of Science in Data Science Program Co-Executive Director
Carolyn Smith-Morris, Health and Society Program Director
Charles South, SMU Statistical Science Consulting Center Director
Neil Tabor, Environmental Science Director, Environmental Studies Director
Steven Vik, Biochemistry Director
Pia Vogel, Center for Drug Discovery, Design and Delivery Director
Alvina Bonnie Wheeler, Medieval Studies Director
Cindy L. Havens, Executive Assistant to the Dean
Kimberly Konkel, Assistant Dean of Recruiting and Communications
John Georges, Director of Dedman Records and Academic Services and Diversity and Inclusion Officer
Jill Kelly, Diversity and Inclusion Officer
Courtney Roy, Albert Schweitzer Fellowship Program Director
Dedman College Faculty
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Gwendoline Aaron, Senior Lecturer of French, M.A., North Texas
Adriana Aceves, Senior Lecturer of Mathematics, M.S., Arizona
Alejandro Aceves, Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D., Arizona
Andrea Adams, Senior Lecturer of Chemistry, M.S., SMU
Michael A. Adler, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Department of Anthropology Chair, SMU-in-Taos Executive Director, Ph.D., Michigan
Vladimir Ajaev, Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D., Northwestern
Michael Allred, Lecturer of Spanish, Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)
Omar Al-Rashdan, Senior Lecturer of Arabic, Senior Lecturer of French, M.A., North Texas
Brandy Alvarez, Senior Lecturer of Italian, M.A., Yale
Stephanie Amsel, Senior Lecturer of English, Discernment and Discourse Director, M.A., Texas (San Antonio)
Joan Arbery, Lecturer of English, Ph.D., Notre Dame
Stephen Arrowsmith, Associate Professor in Earth Sciences, William B. Hamilton Chair in Earth Sciences, Ph.D., University of Leeds
Sabri Ates, Associate Professor of History, Ph.D., New York
Helen Babbili, Senior Lecturer of Chemistry, M.S., Kakatiya
Durdana Balakishiyeva, Lecturer of Physics, Ph.D., Syracuse
Austin Baldwin, Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychology Chair, Ph.D., Minnesota
Nathan S. Balke, Professor of Economics, Dedman Family Distinguished Professor of in Economics, Ph.D., Northwestern
G. William Barnard, Professor of Religious Studies, Ph.D., Chicago
Eric Barnes, Professor of Philosophy, Ph.D., Indiana
Andrea Barreiro, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D., New York
James Batchelor, Lecturer in French, M.A. Connecticut (Storrs)
Bianca Batista, Lecturer of Biological Sciences, Ph.D., Texas (Austin)
Raveendra N. Batra, Professor of Economics, Ph.D., Southern Illinois
Doran Bennett, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
Eric G. Bing, Professor of Anthropology, M.D., Harvard, Ph.D., California (Los Angeles)
Donna Binkowski, Lecturer of Spanish, Ph.D., Illinois (Urbana-Champaign)
Biswas Madhavi, Lecturer of English, Ph.D. Texas (Dallas)
Sarah Bogard, Lecturer of Spanish, Ph.D., Virginia
Damiano Bonuomo, Senior Lecturer of Italian, M.A., Florida
Matthew Boulanger, Lecturer of Anthropology, Ph.D., Missouri (Columbia)
Holly Bowen, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Ph.D., Ryerson
Richard Bozorth, Associate Professor of English, Department of English Chair, Ph.D., Virginia
Debra Branch, Senior Lecturer of Sociology, Ph.D., Ohio
Teresa Brentegani, Senior Lecturer of Italian, B.A., Milan
Caroline Brettell, University Distinguished Professor of Anthropology, Dedman Family Distinguished Professor of Anthropology, Ph.D., Brown
Amy Brewster, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences, Ph.D., California (Irvine)
Greg Brownderville, Associate Professor of English, Creative Writing Director, M.F.A., Mississippi
Paola Buckley, Senior Lecturer of French, M.A., New York
Ronald Butler, Professor of Statistical Science, Charles F. Frensley Chair of Mathematics, Ph.D., Michigan
John D. Buynak, Professor of Chemistry, Ph.D., Rice
Wei Cai, Professor of Mathematics, Betty Clements Chair in Applied Mathematics, Ph.D. Brown
Maryann Cairns, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Ph.D., South Florida (Tampa)
Jana Caldwell, Lecturer of Biological Sciences, Ph.D., A&M
Josephine Caldwell-Ryan, Senior Lecturer of Women’s and Gender Studies, Women’s and Gender Studies Director, Ph.D., SMU
James Calvert, Senior Lecturer of Psychology, Ph.D., Louisiana State
Nancy Campbell-Jeffrey, Senior Lecturer of Sociology, Ph.D., Texas (Austin)
Jing Cao, Professor of Statistical Science, Ph.D., Missouri
David Caplan, Professor of English and Daisy Dean Frensley Chair in English, Ph.D., University of Virginia
Thomas W. Carr, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Individualized Studies in the Liberal Arts Director, Ph.D., Northwestern
Triauna Carey, Lecturer of English, Ph.D., Bowling Green
Katherine Carté, Professor of History, Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)
Timothy Cassedy, Associate Professor of English, Ph.D., New York
Mark A. Chancey, Professor of Religious Studies, Ph.D., Duke
Alexander Chase, Assistant Professor of Earth Sciences, Ph.D., California (Irvine)
Bo Chen, Associate Professor of Economics, Ph.D., Wisconsin-Madison
Michael Chmielewski, Associate Professor of Psychology, Ph.D., Iowa
Philippe Chuard, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Ph.D., Australian National
Talia Weltman-Cisneros, Lecturer of Spanish, Ph.D., Duke
J.H. Cullum Clark, Lecturer of Economics, Ph.D., SMU
Karisa T. Cloward, Associate Professor of Political Science, Interdisciplinary Institute Director, Ph.D., Yale
Thomas E. Coan, Professor of Physics, Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
Olga L.V. Colbert, Associate Professor of Spanish, Ph.D., Stanford
Marlen Y. Collazo, Lecturer of Spanish, M.A., Bilingual Education, SMU
Katherine Condon, Assistant Professor of English, Ph.D. Tennessee (Knoxville)
Dori Contreas, Research Professor of Earth Sciences, Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
Jodi Cooley, Professor of Physics, Ph.D., Wisconsin
Pamela Corley, Associate Professor of Political Science, Law and Legal Reasoning Director, J.D., Ph.D., Georgia
Edward F. Countryman, University Distinguished Professor of History, Ph.D., Cornell
Joshua Crabill, Lecturer of Philosophy, Ph.D., University of Southern California
Kenneth Daley, Senior Lecturer of Philosophy, Ph.D., Colorado (Boulder)
Simon Dalley, Senior Lecturer of Physics, Ph.D., Southampton
Anindita Das, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon
Alejandro D’Brot, Lecturer of Biological Sciences, Ph.D., UT Southwestern Medical Center
Leslie DeArman, Lecturer of Sociology, M.A., Texas (Arlington)
Rajat Deb, Professor of Economics, Ph.D., London School of Economics
Allison McCarn Deiana, Assistant Professor of Physics, Ph.D. Illinois (Urbana-Champaign)
Crista J. DeLuzio, Associate Professor of History, Ph.D., Brown
Heather DeShon, Professor of Earth Sciences, Department of Earth Sciences Chair, Ph.D., California (Santa Cruz)
Klaus Desmet, Professor of Economics, Ruth and Kenneth Altshuler Centennial Interdisciplinary Professor in Cities, Regions and Globalization, Ph.D., Stanford
Miroslava Detcheva, Senior Lecturer of Spanish, M.A., Baylor
Jill DeTemple, Professor of Religious Studies, Department of Religious Studies Chair, Ph.D., North Carolina (Chapel Hill)
Carol Dickson-Carr, Professor of Practice of English, M.A., California (Santa Barbara)
Darryl Dickson-Carr, Professor of English, Ph.D., California (Santa Barbara)
Thomas DiPiero, Professor of English, Professor of French, Ph.D., Cornell
Janet Dodd, Senior Lecturer of French, M.A., Texas (Arlington)
Hao Dong, Assistant Professor of Economics, Ph.D., London School of Economics
Melissa Barden Dowling, Associate Professor of History, Department of History Chair, Classical Studies Director, Ph.D., Columbia
David Doyle, Adjunct Assistant Professor of History, Ph.D., City University of New York
Denise DuPont, Professor of Spanish, Ph.D., Yale
Rita Economos, Associate Professor of Earth Sciences, Ph.D., Southern California
Maria Eguez, Senior Lecturer of Spanish, M.A., Maryland
Douglas E. Ehring, Professor of Philosophy, William Edward Easterwood Chair in Philosophy, Ph.D., Columbia
B. Sunday Eiselt, Professor of Anthropology, Ph.D., Michigan
Carl Johan Elverskog, Professor of Religious Studies, Dedman Family Distinguished Professor in Religious Studies, Ph.D., Indiana
Liljana Elverskog, Senior Lecturer of Arabic, Ph.D., Indiana
Jeffrey A. Engel, Professor of History, Center for Presidential History Director, Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)
Gianna Englert, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Ph.D., Georgetown
C.J. Enloe, Lecturer of Spanish, Ph.D., Duke
Linda Evans, Lecturer of ESL, B.A., Graduate Certification, Texas (Dallas)
Shu Feng, Lecturer of English, Ph.D. Texas (Dallas)
Susana Fernandez-Solera, Senior Lecturer of Spanish, Ph.D., Complutense de Madrid
Mahesh Fernando, Lecturer of Statistical Science, Ph.D., SMU
Anthony Fiorillo, Research Professor of Earth Sciences, Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Justin Fisher, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Ph.D., Arizona
Keiko Flores, Senior Lecturer of Japanese, M.A.T., School for International Training
Maxime Foerster, Associate Professor of French, Ph.D., Michigan
Neil Foley, Robert H. and Nancy Dedman Professor of History, Ph.D., Michigan
Thomas B. Fomby, Professor of Economics, Ph.D., Missouri
Daniele Forlino, Lecturer of Italian, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin (Madison)
Serge Frolov, Professor of Religious Studies, Nate and Ann Levine Endowed Chair in Jewish Studies, Ph.D., Claremont
Rhonda Garelick, Professor of English and Duwain E. Hughes, Jr. Distinguished Chair for English, Ph.D., Yale
Jessica Garrick, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Ph.D., Michigan
Weihua Geng, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D., Michigan
Justin Michael Germain, Lecturer of Latin, Lecturer of Greek, M.A., SMU
Marcela Giraldo, Senior Lecturer of Economics, Ph.D., Florida
Albert Edward Glasscock, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences, C. Vincent Prothro Distinguished Chair of Biological Sciences, Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
Datao Gong, Research Professor, Ph.D., Science and Technology (China)
Christopher Gonzalez, Professor of English and Jacob and Frances Sanger Mossiker Endowed Chair, Ph.D., Ohio State University
Andrew R. Graybill, Professor of History, Clements Center for Southwest Studies Director, Ph.D., Princeton
Ezra Greenspan, Professor of English, Edmund J. and Louise W. Kahn Chair in Humanities, Ph.D., Brown
Robert T. Gregory, Professor of Earth Sciences, Ph.D., California Institute of Technology
Stephen Grollman, Senior Lecturer of German, Ph.D., Washington University
Caroline Grubbs, Lecturer of French, Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Jo Guldi, Professor of History, Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
Thomas Hagstrom, Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D., California Institute of Technology
Rick Halperin, Professor of Practice of Human Rights, Human Rights Director, Ph.D., Auburn
Kenneth M. Hamilton, Professor of History, Ph.D., Washington
Ian R. Harris, Associate Professor of Statistical Science, Ph.D., Birmingham (United Kingdom)
Carolyn Harrod, Senior Lecturer of Biological Sciences, M.A., Texas (Dallas)
Robert L. Harrod, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences, Ph.D., Maryland
Kathy Jean Hayes, Professor of Economics, Ph.D., Syracuse
Kathryn Hedrick, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D., Rice
Daniel Heitjan, Professor of Statistical Science, Department of Statistical Science Chair, Biostatistics Program Director, Ph.D., Chicago
Richard Hermes, Lecturer of English, Ph.D., Tennessee
Stephen Hiltz, Lecturer of Philosophy, Ph.D., Texas (Austin)
Jeffrey Hobbie, Lecturer of ESL, M.A., Texas (Arlington)
Erin R. Hochman, Associate Professor of History, Ph.D., Toronto
Kacy Hollenback, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Ph.D., Arizona
James Hollifield, Professor of Political Science, George F. and Ora Nixon Arnold Professor in American Statesmanship and Government, John Goodwin Tower Center for Political Studies Director, Ph.D., Duke
Vanessa Hopper, Senior Lecturer of English, M.A., SMU
Matthew Hornbach, Professor of Earth Sciences, Ph.D., Wyoming
Susan Hornstein, Senior Lecturer of Psychology, Ph.D., SMU
K. Ann Horsburgh, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Ph.D., Standford
Werner Horsthemke, Professor of Chemistry, Ph.D., Free University of Brussels
Robert Howell, Dedman Family Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy Chair, Ph.D., Brown
Xiao Hu, Lecturer of Chinese, M.A., Beijing Normal
Nathan Hudson, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Ph.D., Illinois (Urbana-Champaign)
Constantin Icleanu, Lecturer of Spanish, Ph.D., University of Kentucky
Dennis S. Ippolito, Professor of Political Science, Eugene McElvaney Chair in Political Science, Public Policy Director, Ph.D., Virginia
Calvin C. Jillson, Professor of Political Science, Dedman Family Distinguished Professor of Political Science, Ph.D., Maryland
Meghan Johnson, Lecturer of English, Ph.D., North Texas
Hannah Johnston, Lecturer of Chemistry, Ph.D., TCU
Richard S. Jones, Professor of Biological Sciences, Department of Biological Sciences Chair, Ph.D., Wesleyan
Ernest N. Jouriles, Professor of Psychology, Dedman Family Distinguished Professor of Psychology, G. Dale McKissick Endowed Professor in Psychology, Ph.D., SUNY (Stony Brook)
Akihito Kamata, Professor of Psychology, Ph.D., Michigan
Robert L.P. Kehoe, III, Professor of Physics, Ph.D., Notre Dame
Macabe Keliher, Associate Professor of History, Ph.D., Harvard
Matthew R. Keller, Associate Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology Chair, Ph.D., California (Davis)
Jill E. Kelly, Associate Professor of History, Ph.D., Michigan
Wookun Kim, Assistant Professor of Economics, M.A., California (Los Angeles)
Lucas Kirkpatrick, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Ph.D., California (Davis)
Thomas J. Knock, Professor of History, Ph.D., Princeton
Joseph F. Kobylka, Associate Professor of Political Science, Department of Political Science Chair, Ph.D., Minnesota
Chrystyna Kouros, Associate Professor of Psychology, Ph.D., Notre Dame
Elfi Kraka, Professor of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry Chair, Ph.D., Köln (Germany)
Marta Krogh, Senior Lecturer of English, Ph.D., North Texas
Sheri Kunovich, Associate Professor of Sociology, Ph.D., Ohio State
Yuliya Kruchkova, Lecturer of French and Lecturer of Russian, Ph.D., Minsk State Lin
John C. Lamoreaux, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Ph.D., Duke
Shira Lander, Senior Lecturer of Jewish Studies, Jewish Studies Director, Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Allison Larkin, Lecturer of Spanish, M.A., Catholic University of America
Michael Lattman, Professor of Chemistry, Ph.D., City University of New York
Misty Lawrenson, Lecturer of English, Ph.D., California State University (Fresno)
Barry Lee, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D., Colorado
LaiYee Leong, Lecturer of Political Science, Ph.D., Yale
Bruce Levy, Senior Lecturer of English, Ph.D., Brown
Alida Liberman, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Ph.D., California (Dornsife)
Anne E. Lincoln, Associate Professor of Sociology, Ph.D., Washington State
Steven E. Lindquist, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Global and Regional Studies Director, Asian Studies Director, Ph.D., Texas (Austin)
Alexander Lippert, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Chonghan Liu, Research Assistant Professor of Physics, M.S., Texas (Arlington)
Tiankuan Liu, Research Professor of Physics, Ph.D., Science and Technology (China)
Matthew Lockard, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Ph.D., California (Los Angeles)
Christopher Logan, Senior Lecturer of Psychology, Ph.D., Texas Tech
Gema Hevia-Lopez, Lecturer of Spanish, Ph.D., Texas Tech
Bianca Lopez, Assistant Professor of History, W.R. Nicholson Professor of Medieval Studies, Ph.D., Washington (St. Louis)
Zhong Lu, Professor of Earth Sciences, Shuler-Foscue Chair in Earth Sciences, Ph.D., Alaska (Fairbanks)
Karen Lupo, Professor of Anthropology, Ph.D., Utah
Michael Lusztig, Professor of Political Science, Ph.D., McGill
Samantha Mabry, Lecturer of English, M.A., Boston
Rocio Madera, Assistant Professor of Economics, Ph.D., Minnesota
Maria Beatrice Magnani, Professor of Earth Sciences, Ph.D., Degli Studi di Perugia (Italy)
Luis Maldonado-Peña, Associate Professor of Spanish, Ph.D., Georgetown
Luigi Manzetti, Professor of Political Science, International Studies Director, Ph.D., Iowa
Stefano Maranzana, Lecturer of French and Lecturer of Italian, Ph.D., Arizona
Maria Villar Martin, Lecturer of Spanish, M.A., Universidad de Vallodolid (Spain)
Jennifer Matey, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Ph.D., SUNY (Stony Brook)
Devin Matthews, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Ph.D., Texas (Austin)
Russell McConnell, Lecturer of English, Ph.D, Western Ontario
Mark D. McCoy, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
Tiffany McCray, Lecturer of American Sign Language, MBA, Harding
Alexis M. McCrossen, Professor of History, Ph.D., Harvard
Renee McDonald, Professor of Psychology, Ph.D., Houston
Leticia McDoniel, Senior Lecturer of Spanish, Ph. D., Washington (St. Louis)
Monnie McGee, Associate Professor of Statistical Science, Master of Science in Data Science Program Co-Executive Director, Ph.D., Rice
Jonathan McGregor, Lecturer of English, Ph.D., Washington (St. Louis)
Kelly McKowen, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Ph.D., Princeton
Amnon Meir, Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon
Maria del Pilar Melgarejo, Lecturer of Spanish, Ph.D., Pittsburgh
David J. Meltzer, Professor of Anthropology, Henderson-Morrison Chair in Anthropology, Dedman Family Distinguished Professor of Anthropology, Ph.D., Washington
Alicia E. Meuret, Professor of Psychology, Ph.D., Hamburg
Joel Meyers, Assistant Professor of Physics, Ph.D., Texas (Austin)
Brandon Miller, Lecturer of History, Ph.D., Michigan
Daniel Millimet, Professor of Economics, Department of Economics Chair, Robert H. and Nancy Dedman Professor in Economics, Ph.D., Brown
Sasan Mohyaddin, Lecturer of Mathmatics, M.S., University of North Texas
Lourdes Molina, Senior Lecturer of Spanish, Ph.D., Texas (Dallas)
Chul Moon, Assistant Professor of Statistics, M.A. Seoul National University (Korea)
Peter Moore, Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Daniel Moss, Associate Professor of English, Ph.D., Princeton
Mary Catherine Mueller, Lecturer of English, M.A., UT (Dallas)
Neely Myers, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Ph.D., Chicago
Pavel Nadolsky, Professor of Physics, Ph.D., Michigan State
Michael Nesuda, Lecturer of ESL, M.M., North Texas
Judy Newell, Senior Lecturer of Mathematics, M.S., SMU
Beth S. Newman, Associate Professor of English, Ph.D., Cornell
Pauline Newton, Senior Lecturer of English, Ph.D., Tulsa
Rachel Ney, Lecturer of French, Ph.D., Northwestern
Susan Norman, Lecturer of English, Ph.D., Texas (Dallas)
Adam Norris, Assistant Professor of Biology, Floyd B. James Trustee Professor, Ph.D. Kansas
Scott Norris, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D., Northwestern
Eva Oberdörster, Senior Lecturer of Biological Sciences, Ph.D., Duke
Jennifer O’Brien, Professor of Practice of Chemistry, Ph.D., North Texas
Ashley O’Neill, Lecturer of English, M.A., North Texas
Fredrick I. Olness, Professor of Physics, Dedman Family Distinguished Professor of Physics, Ph.D., Wisconsin
Daniel T. Orlovsky, Professor of History, Ph.D., Harvard
Thomas Osang, Associate Professor of Economics, Ph.D., California (San Diego)
William Osborne, Lecturer of ESL, M.A., City University of New York
Dayna Oscherwitz, Professor of French, Ph.D., Texas
Omer Ozak, Associate Professor of Economics, Ph.D., Brown
Saltuk Ozerturk, Associate Professor of Economics, Ph.D., New York
Roshan Kumar Pandian, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Ph.D., Indiana University
Nia Parson, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Ph.D., Rutgers
Alberto Pastor, Associate Professor of Spanish, Ph.D., Madrid
Nathaniel Pattison, Assistant Professor of Economics, Ph.D., Virginia
Samantha Pergadia, Assistant Professor of English, Ph.D., Washington (St. Louis)
Kristen Polster, Lecturer of English, Ph.D., North Texas
Wei Qu, Lecturer of Chinese, M.A., Beijing Normal
James E. Quick, Professor of Earth Sciences, Ph.D., California Institute of Technology
Svetlana Radyuk, Research Associate Professor of Biological Sciences, Ph.D., M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State (Russia)
Stefano Recchia, Associate Professor of Political Science, Director of the Program in National Security and Defense, John Goodwin Tower Distinguished Chair in International Politics and National Security, Ph.D., Columbia
Daniel Reynolds, Professor of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics Chair, Ph.D., Rice
Helen Reynolds, Senior Lecturer of Economics, Ph.D., SMU
Ian Richards, Research Professor of Earth Sciences, Ph.D., Tennessee
Thomas Ritz, Professor of Psychology, Ph.D., Hamburg
Stephen Robertson, Senior Lecturer of Statistical Science, Ph.D., SMU
Luke Robinson, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Ph.D., California (San Diego)
Ariel Ron, Associate Professor of History, Glenn Linden Endowed Professor, Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
Christopher I. Roos, Professor of Anthropology, Ph.D., Arizona
Timothy Rosendale, Professor of English, Ph.D., Northwestern
David Rosenfield, Professor of Psychology, Ph.D., Texas
Santanu Roy, University Distinguished Professor of Economics, Dedman Family Distinguished Professor of Economics, Ph.D., Cornell
Jacob Rubin, Assistant Professor of English, Laurence and Catherine Perrine Endowed Chair in English, M.F.A., Mississippi
Benno Rumpf, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D., Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany)
Tomce Runceveski, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Ph.D., Planck Institute for Solid State Research (Germany)
Elizabeth Russ, Associate Professor of Spanish, Department of World Languages and Literatures Chair, Ph.D., Columbia
Jayson Gonzales Sae-Saue, Associate Professor of English, Ph.D., Stanford
Timothy Salmon, Professor of Economics, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins
Rubén Sánchez-Godoy, Associate Professor of Spanish, Ph.D., Pittsburgh
Martha G. Satz, Assistant Professor of English, Ph.D., Texas (Dallas)
Joy Saunders, Senior Lecturer of Spanish, Ph.D., Texas (Austin)
Randall J. Scalise, Senior Lecturer of Physics, Ph.D., Pennsylvania State
Mark A.F. Schell, Professor of Chemistry, Ph.D., Toronto
Alicia Schortgen, Lecturer of Sociology, Ph.D., Texas (Dallas)
Ona Seaney, Senior Lecturer of English, M.A., New Mexico
Carol Seets, Senior Lecturer of Mathematics, M.A.T., Texas (Dallas)
Stephen Sekula, Professor of Physics, Department of Physics Chair, Ph.D., Wisconsin
Matthew Siegler, Research Professor of Earth Sciences, Ph.D., California (Los Angeles)
Andrea Laurent-Simpson, Lecturer of Sociology, Ph.D., Texas Woman’s University
Sam Ross Sloan, Lecturer of English, M.A., SMU
Krista Lynne Smith, Assistant Professor of Physics, Ph.D., Maryland
Sanderia Smith, Assistant Professor of Practice of English, Ph.D. North Texas
Carolyn Smith-Morris, Professor of Anthropology, Health and Society Program Director, Ph.D., Arizona
David Y. Son, Professor of Chemistry, Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Charles South, Assistant Professor of Practice, SMU Statistical Science Consulting Center Director, Ph.D., SMU
Michael Sposi, Assistant Professor of Economics, Ph.D., Iowa
Harold Stanley, Professor of Political Science, Geurin-Pettus Distinguished Chair in American Politics and Political Economy, Ph.D., Yale
Lori Ann Stephens, Senior Lecturer of English, Ph.D., Texas (Dallas)
Nicolas Sternsdorff-Cisterna, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Ph.D., Harvard
Brandilyn Stigler, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D., Virginia Tech
S. Lynne Stokes, Professor of Statistical Science, Dedman Family Distinguished Professor of Statistical Science, Ph.D., North Carolina (Chapel Hill)
Ryszard Stroynowski, Professor of Physics, Ph.D., Geneva (Switzerland)
H. Troy Stuckey, Research Professor of Earth Sciences, Ph.D., North Texas
Brian W. Stump, Professor of Earth Sciences, Claude C. Albritton, Jr., Chair in Earth Sciences, Dedman Family Distinguished Professor in Earth Sciences, Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
Rajani Sudan, Professor of English, Ph.D., Cornell
Raanju Sundararajan, Assistant Professor of Statistics, Ph.D. A&M
Kara Sutton, Lecturer of Sociology, Ph.D., Texas (Dallas)
Benjamin A. Tabak, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Ph.D., Miami
Naomi Tabak, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychology, Ph.D., Miami
Neil J. Tabor, Professor of Earth Sciences, Environmental Science Director, Environmental Studies Director, Ph.D., California (Davis)
Hiroki Takeuchi, Associate Professor of Political Science, Ph.D., California (Los Angeles)
Peng Tao, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Ph.D., Ohio State
Johannes Tausch, Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D., Colorado State
Mihan H. McKenna Taylor, Research Professor of Earth Sciences, Ph.D., SMU
Hervé Tchumkam, Professor of French, Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Brad Thompson, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Ph.D., Arizona
Thierry Tirado, Senior Lecturer of French, M.A., Texas (Arlington)
Jorge Daniel Torres de Veneciano, Scholar-in-Residence of English, Ph.D., Columbia
Richard Treat, Lecturer of English, M.A., University of North Texas
Nicolay Tsarevsky, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon
Antoinette Williams-Tutt, Lecturer of French, Ph.D., City University of New York
Roberto Vega, Associate Professor of Physics, Ph.D., Texas
Pia Vogel, Professor of Biological Sciences, Dedman Family Distinguished Professor of Biological Sciences, Center for Drug Discovery, Design and Delivery Director, Ph.D., Kaiserslautern (Germany)
Gabriela Vokic, Associate Professor of Spanish, Ph.D., Purdue
Ben Voth, Professor of Speech and Debate, Ph.D., Kansas
Runmin Wang, Assistant Professor of Statistics, Ph.D., Illinois (Urbana-Champaign)
Xinlei (Sherry) Wang, Professor of Statistical Science, Ph.D., Texas
Cristopher Warnes Pacheco, Lecturer of Spanish, Ph.D., University of Pittsburg
Stephen K. Wegren, Professor of Political Science, Ph.D., Columbia
Steven Weisenburger, Professor of English, Professor of Humanities, Jacob and Frances Sanger Mossiker Endowed Chair, Ph.D., Washington
Kathleen A. Wellman, Dedman Family Distinguished Professor of History, Ph.D., Chicago
Elizabeth Wheaton, Senior Lecturer of Economics, Ph.D., Temple
Alvina Bonnie Wheeler, Associate Professor of English, Medieval Studies Director, Ph.D., Brown
Antoinette Williams-Tutt, Lecturer of French, Ph.D., CUNY
Emma Wilson, Assistant Professor of English, Ph.D., University of St. Andrews (Scotland)
J. Matthew Wilson, Associate Professor of Political Science, Ph.D., Duke
Stephanie Wilson, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Alisa J. Winkler, Research Professor of Earth Sciences, Ph.D., SMU
Dale A. Winkler, Research Professor of Earth Sciences, Ph.D., Texas (Austin)
Laurence H. Winnie, Senior Lecturer of History, Ph.D., Michigan
John Wise, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences, Ph.D., Rochester
Angela Wood, Lecturer of English, M.A., SMU
Rachel Wright, Lecturer of Biology, Ph.D., UT (Austin)
Zhihao Wu, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences, Ph.D., Tsinghua University (China)
Yan Xia, Senior Lecturer of Chinese, M.A., Beijing Language
Sheng Xu, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D., Cornell
Crayton J. Yapp, Professor of Earth Sciences, Ph.D., California Institute of Technology
Jingbo Ye, Professor of Physics, Ph.D., Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Mikhail Zaslavskiy, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D., Moscow State University
Yunkai Zhou, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D., Rice
Tatiana Zimakova, Lecturer of Russian, Ph.D. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of International Economic
and Political Studies
Pierre Zippi, Research Professor of Earth Sciences, Ph.D., Toronto
Brian D. Zoltowski, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Ph.D., Cornell
Alicia Zuese, Associate Professor of Spanish, Ph.D., Columbia
Dedman College Emeritus Faculty
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Kenneth J. Andrien, Professor Emeritus of History, Ph.D., Duk
Peter J. Bakewell, Professor Emeritus of History, Ph.D., Cambridge
Gordon Eastridge Birrell, Professor Emeritus of German, Ph.D., Stanford
David D. Blackwell, Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences, Ph.D., Harvard
James O. Breeden, Professor Emeritus of History, Ph.D., Tulane
Alan S. Brown, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Ph.D., Northwestern
Christine E. Buchanan, Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences, Ph.D., Chicago
Bradley Kent Carter, Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
John R. Chávez, Professor Emeritus of History, Ph.D., Michigan
Richard W. Cogley, Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies, Ph.D., Princeton
Anthony J. Cortese, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Ph.D., Notre Dame
Timothy Wood Crusius, Professor Emeritus of English, Ph.D., Southern California
Steven V. Daniels, Professor Emeritus of English, Ph.D., Harvard
Robert Clay Davis, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, Ph.D., Tulane
Ronald L. Davis, Professor Emeritus of History, Ph.D., Texas (Austin)
Vincenzo E. DeNardo, Professor Emeritus of Italian, Ph.D., California (Los Angeles)
Ann M. Early, Lecturer Emeritus of English, M.A.T., Harvard
Dennis A. Foster, Professor Emeritus of English, , Ph.D., California (Irvine)
Marie-Luise Gäettens, Professor Emeritus of German, Ph.D., Texas
James Gerhardt, Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Ph.D., Harvard
Richard F. Gunst, Professor Emeritus of Statistical Science, Ph.D., SMU
Robert B. Hampson, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Ph.D., Virginia
O.T. Hargrave, Professor Emeritus of History, Ph.D., Vanderbilt
David B. Hausman, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Ph.D., Iowa
Richard O. Hawkins, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Ph.D., Washington
David Haynes, Professor Emeritus of English, M.A., Hamline (St. Paul)
Michael N. Holahan, Professor Emeritus of English, Ph.D., Yale
Michael J. Holdaway, Professor Emeritus of Geological Sciences, Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
George W. Holden, Professor Emritus of Psychology, Ph.D., North Carolina (Chapel Hill)
James Kirkland Hopkins, Professor Emeritus of History, Ph.D., Texas
Richard Alan Hunt, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Ph.D., Texas Christian
Mary Alice Gordon Hurd, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Ph.D., Texas Christian
Bonnie F. Jacobs, Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences, Ph.D., Arizona
Louis L. Jacobs, Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences, Ph.D., Arizona
Robert L. Laury, Professor Emeritus of Geological Sciences, Ph.D., Wisconsin
John Mirick Lewis, Professor Emeritus of English, M.A., Harvard
Robin W. Lovin, Professor Emeritus in Ethics, Ph.D., Harvard
Paul Ludden, Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences, Ph.D., Wisconsin
Anthony Edward Marks, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, Ph.D., Columbia
William F. May, Professor Emeritus of Ethics, Ph.D., Yale
John Ashley Mears, Professor Emeritus of History, Ph.D., Chicago
Mogens V. Melander, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, Ph.D., Technical University of Denmark
Peter K. Mollenhauer, Professor Emeritus of German, Ph.D., Texas
Francisco Morán, Professor Emeritus of Spanish, Ph.D., Georgetown
Ross C. Murfin, Professor Emeritus of English, Ph.D., Virginia
Jasper Neel, Professor Emeritus of English, Ph.D., Tennessee
Donald L. Niewyk, Professor Emeritus of History, Ph.D., Tulane
William C. Orr, Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences, Ph.D., Wayne State
Bruce Pringle, Professor Emeritus of Sociology
George W. Reddien, Jr., Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, Ph.D., Georgia Tech
Douglas A. Reinelt, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, Ph.D., California Institute of Technology
Lawrence S. Ruben, Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences, Ph.D., Minnesota
William R. Russell, Professor Emeritus of Economics, Ph.D., Washington
C. Garth Sampson, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, D.Phil., Oxford
William R. Schucany, Professor Emeritus of Statistical Science, Ph.D., SMU
Nina Schwartz, Professor Emeritus of English, Ph.D., California (Irvine)
Lawrence F. Shampine, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, Ph.D., California Institute of Technology
Doris Wyatt Simons, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, M.A., SMU
Daniel J. Slottje, Professor Emeritus of Economics, Ph.D., Texas A&M
C.W. Smith, Professor Emeritus of English, M.A., Northern Illinois
Sherry L. Smith, Professor Emeritus of History, Ph.D., Washington
Willard Lester Spiegelman, Professor Emeritus of English, Ph.D., Harvard
Linda Brewster Stearns, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Ph.D., New York (Stony Brook)
Steven D. Sverdlik, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Ph.D., Columbia
William H. Tedford, Jr., Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Ph.D., Emory
Zoë Goss Urbanek, Professor Emeritus of World Languages and Literatures, M.A., Northwestern
Jutta Irene Van Selm, Professor Emeritus of German, Ph.D., Texas
Steven B. Vik, Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences, Ph.D., Oregon
John V. Walther, Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences, Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
Shlomo Weber, Professor Emeritus of Economics, Ph.D., Hebrew (Jerusalem)
Ronald Knox Wetherington, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, Ph.D., Michigan
Richard Kelso Williams, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, Ph.D., Vanderbilt
David J. Wilson, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, Ph.D., Michigan
André Winandy, Professor Emeritus of French, Ph.D., Pittsburgh
Patty Wisian-Neilson, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, Ph.D., Texas
Wayne A. Woodward, Professor Emeritus of Statistical Science, Ph.D., Texas Tech
Samuel A. Zimmerman, Professor Emeritus of Spanish, Ph.D., Florida