Feb 13, 2025  
2023-2024 Graduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Right to Know

Southern Methodist University is pleased to provide information regarding academic programs, enrollment, financial aid, public safety, athletics and services for persons with disabilities. Students also may obtain paper copies of this information by contacting the appropriate office listed below. Disclosure of this information is pursuant to requirements of the Higher Education Act and the Campus Security Act. More information is available at www.smu.edu/srk.

  1. Academic Programs
    Provost Office, Perkins Administration Building, Room 219
    1. Current degree programs and other educational and training programs.
    2. Instructional, laboratory and other physical facilities relating to the academic program.
    3. Faculty and other instructional personnel.
    4. Names of associations, agencies or governmental bodies that accredit, approve or license the institution and its programs and the procedures by which documents describing that activity may be reviewed.
  2. Enrollment
    Registrar, Blanton Student Services Building, Room 101
    1. Graduation Rates. The completion or graduation rate of the institution’s certificate-seeking or degree-seeking, full-time undergraduate students and students who receive athletically related financial aid. http://www.smu.edu/Academics/StudentAchievement
    2. Privacy of Student Education Records. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act governs SMU’s maintenance and disclosure of a student’s education records. FERPA provides students the right to inspect and review their education records and to seek amendment of those records that they believe to be inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of their privacy rights. Further, FERPA prevents SMU from disclosing personally identifiable information about a student to outside third parties, except under specific circumstances outlined in SMU’s Policy Manual.
    3. Withdrawal. Requirements and procedures for officially withdrawing from the institution.
  3. Financial Aid
    Director of Financial Aid, Blanton Student Services Building, Room 212
    1. Financial assistance available to students enrolled in the institution.
    2. Cost of attending the institution, including tuition and fees charged to full- and part-time students; estimates of costs for necessary books and supplies; estimates of typical charges for room and board; estimates of transportation costs for students; and any additional cost of a program in which a student is enrolled or expresses a specific interest.
    3. Terms and conditions under which students receiving Federal Direct Loan or Federal Direct Perkins Loan assistance may obtain deferral of the repayment of the principal and interest of the loan for
      1. Service under the Peace Corps Act;
      2. Service under the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973; or
      3. Comparable service as a volunteer for a tax-exempt organization of demonstrated effectiveness in the field of community service.
      4. The requirements for return of Title IV grant or loan assistance.
      5. Enrollment status of students participating in SMU study abroad programs, for the purpose of applying for federal financial aid.
  4. Student Financials/Bursar
    University Bursar, Blanton Student Services Building, Room 212
    1. Tuition and fees.
    2. Living on campus.
    3. Optional and course fees.
    4. Financial policies.
    5. Administrative fees and deposits.
    6. Payment options.
    7. Any refund policy with which the institution is required to comply for the return of unearned tuition and fees or other refundable portions of costs paid to the institution.
  5. DASS
    Disability Accommodations and Success Strategies
    Altshuler Learning Enhancement Center
    1. Description of the process for establishing eligibility for services and documentation guidelines.
    2. Listings of the various on- and off-campus resources.
    3. Discussions of transitioning to postsecondary education.
    4. Tips for faculty on teaching and making accommodations.
  6. Athletics
    Executive Senior Associate Athletics Director, 231 Moody Coliseum
    1. Athletic program participation rates and financial aid support.
    2. Graduation or completion rates of student athletes.
    3. Athletic program operating expenses and revenues.
    4. Coaching staffs.
  7. Campus Police
    SMU Police Department, Patterson Hall
    Southern Methodist University’s Annual Security Report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus, in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by SMU, and on public property within or immediately adjacent to/accessible from the campus. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies concerning alcohol and drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault, and other related matters.
  8. Student Appeals and Complaints
    Student with complaints and/or grievances must first seek to resolve them with Southern Methodist University through its processes described below. In all instances and with all offices and representatives of the University, all complaints are handled impartially and in a timely manner by professionals in the subject area of the complaint. No adverse action will be taken against anyone filing a formal complaint or grievance with Southern Methodist University.
    Southern Methodist University operates with integrity in all issues and is dedicated to preserving the rights of all members of the University community. Categories for which students may wish to reach out for advice and assistance and/or to submit an appeal or register a complaint are as follows: academics, code of conduct, discrimination, financial issues, honor code and privacy issues. An overview of the roles, responsibilities and procedures for complainants and the University is outlined in each of the areas below.
    a. Academic Appeals and Petitions 
    b. Student Code of Conduct
    c. Office of Institutional Access and Equity
    d. Financial Responsibility and Confidentiality
    e. Honor Code
    f. Appeal of Grade
    Enrollment and Academic Records   
    g. Academic Grievance and Appeals Procedures for Students with Disabilities
    h. Appeal from financial aid decisions, including financial aid decisions based on lack of satisfactory academic progress
    i. Policy for Non-Renewal of Athletic Aid
    In addition to the right to use internal University complaint procedures, every student has the right under federal law to use complaint processes provided by the state in which their campus is located.
  9. State-Specific Information for Appeals and Complaints
    Texas. For complaints regarding programs in Texas, students should contact the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Office of General Counsel, PO Box 12788, Austin TX 78711-2788; email: studentcomplaints@thecb.state.tx.us. Additional information about the Texas student complaints process may be found at www.thecb.state.tx.us (“College Readiness and Success” link).
    New Mexico. For complaints regarding programs in New Mexico, students should contact the New Mexico Higher Education Department, 2044 Galisteo Street, Suite 4, Santa Fe NM 87505-2100; telephone 505-476-8400. Additional information about the New Mexico student complaints process may be found online at www.hed.state.nm.us or by contacting private.schools@state.nm.us.