Sep 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Perkins School of Theology: Faculty and Staff

Hugo Magallanes, Dean ad interim of Joe and Lois Perkins School of Theology, The Leighton K. Farrell Endowed Deanship

Abraham Smith, Associate Dean ad interim for Academic Affairs

Perkins Administration

Tracy Anne Allred, Assistant Dean of Student, Alum, and Community Engagement  

Herbert S. Coleman II, Director of Retention and Student Success, Diversity Officer

Anthony Elia, J. S. Bridwell Foundation Endowed Director of the Bridwell Library

Dallas Gingles, Assistant Dean of Hybrid Education

Roy Heller, Director of the Graduate Program in Religious Studies

Robert Hunt, Director of Global Theological Education

Andrew Keck, Chief of Staff and Assistant Dean of Marketing and Communication ad interim

Hugo Magallanes, Director of CASA (Centro de Acompañamiento, Solidaridad y Adiestramiento) and the Perkins Regional Course of Study School

Alyce McKenzie, Director of the Center for Preaching Excellence

John Martin, Director of Development

Bart Patton, Assistant Dean for External Programs and Church Relations

Brice Priestley, Financial Officer

Christina Rhodes, Assistant Dean of Enrollment Management

Marcell Silva Steuernagel, Director of the Master of Sacred Music Program and Director of the Doctor of Pastoral Music Program

TBA, Registrar and Director of Academic Services

Intern Faculty

April Bristow, D.Min., Houston Graduate School of Theology

Perkins Faculty

O. Wesley Allen, Ph.D., Emory University, Lois Craddock Perkins Chair in Homiletics

Christopher S. Anderson, Ph.D., Duke University, Associate Professor of Sacred Music

Frederick Aquino, Ph.D., Southern Methodist University, Professor of Systematic Theology

Karen Baker-Fletcher, Ph.D., Harvard University, Professor of Systematic Theology

Ted A. Campbell, Ph.D., Southern Methodist University, Albert Cook Outler Chair in Wesley Studies

Jaime Clark-Soles, Ph.D., Yale University, Professor of New Testament

Ruben L. F. Habito, Doctor of Letters Certificate, University of Tokyo, Professor of World Religions and Spirituality

Roy L. Heller, Ph.D., Yale University, Professor of Old Testament

Susanne Johnson, Ph.D., Princeton Theological Seminary, Associate Professor of Christian Education

James Kang Hoon Lee, Ph.D., University of Notre Dame, Associate Professor of the History of Early Christianity

John R. Levison, Ph.D., Duke University, The William Joseph Ambrose Power Professor of Biblical Hebrew and Old Testament Interpretation

Tamara E. Lewis, Ph.D., Vanderbilt University, Assistant Professor of the History of Christianity

D. Stephen Long, Ph.D., Duke University, University Professor, Maguire Chair in Ethics

Hugo Magallanes, Ph.D., Drew University, Associate Professor of Christianity and Cultures

Bruce D. Marshall, Ph.D., Yale University, Lehman Chair of Christian Doctrine

Alyce M. McKenzie, Ph.D., Princeton Theological Seminary, Geo. W. and Nell Ayers LeVan Endowed Chair of Preaching and Worship

Rebekah Miles, Ph.D., University of Chicago, Susanna Wesley Centennial Chair in Practical Theology

Emily Nelms Chastain, M.Div., Claremont School of Theology, Instructor in the History of Christianity

Harold J. Recinos, Ph.D., American University, Professor of Church and Society

Susanne Scholz, Ph.D., Union Theological Seminary, Professor of Old Testament

Marcell Silva Steuernagel, Ph.D., Baylor University, Assistant Professor of Church Music

Abraham Smith, Ph.D., Vanderbilt University, Professor of New Testament

Mark W. Stamm, Th.D., Boston University, Professor of Christian Worship

Jeanne Stevenson-Moessner, Th.D., University of Basel, Professor of Pastoral Care

Theodore D. Walker, Jr., Ph.D., University of Notre Dame, Associate Professor of Ethics and Society

Sze-kar Wan, Th.D., Harvard University, Professor of New Testament

Perkins Emeritus Faculty

William S. Babcock, Ph.D., Yale University, Professor Emeritus of Church History

Jouette M. Bassler, Ph.D., Yale University, Professor Emeritus of New Testament

Victor Paul Furnish, Ph.D., Yale University, University Distinguished Professor Emeritus of New Testament

Kenneth W. Hart, D.M.A., University of Cincinnati, Professor Emeritus of Sacred Music

C. Michael Hawn, D.M.A., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, University Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Church Music

Craig C. Hill, D.Phil. University of Oxford, Professor Emeritus of New Testament

John C. Holbert, Ph.D., Southern Methodist University, Professor Emeritus of Homiletics

Leroy T. Howe, Ph.D., Yale University, Professor Emeritus of Pastoral Theology

James E. Kirby, Ph.D., Drew University, Professor Emeritus of Church History

William B. Lawrence, Ph.D., Drew University, Professor Emeritus of American Church History

Richard D. Nelson, Ph.D., Union Theological Seminary, Professor Emeritus of Biblical Hebrew and Old Testament Interpretation

Schubert M. Ogden, Ph.D., University of Chicago, Professor Emeritus of Theology

Evelyn L. Parker, Ph.D., Northwestern University, Professor Emeritus of Practical Theology

Klaus Penzel, Th.D., Union Theological Seminary, Professor Emeritus of Church History

Edward W. Poitras, Ph.D., Drew University, Professor Emeritus of World Christianity

W. J. A. Power, Ph.D., University of Toronto, Professor Emeritus of Biblical Hebrew and Old Testament Interpretation

Marjorie Procter-Smith, Ph.D., University of Notre Dame, Professor Emeritus of Preaching and Worship

James M. Ward, Ph.D., Columbia University, Professor Emeritus of Old Testament

Charles M. Wood, Ph.D., Yale University, Professor Emeritus of Christian Doctrine