Sep 10, 2024  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Perkins School of Theology: Special Programs

Basic Graduate Theological Studies

The basic graduate theological studies required for those seeking ordination as deacons in the United Methodist Church include courses in the areas of Old Testament; New Testament; church history; theology; mission; worship; evangelism; and United Methodist history, doctrine and polity. These courses are offered regularly on the Dallas campus, online, and hybrid at Houston-Galveston. The following courses satisfy these requirements:

Hispanic Summer Program

In collaboration with several other seminaries, Perkins sponsors the Hispanic Summer Program, which takes place for two weeks each summer at a different site in the United States or Puerto Rico. Hispanic students, as well as others who are bilingual and who are interested in Hispanic ministries, may attend this academic program and take a maximum of one course for three credits. Courses in the Hispanic Summer Program cover a wide range of the theological curriculum, and they are always taught with the Latino church in mind. The program provides students with the opportunity to study and reflect with other seminarians who are from across the nation and Puerto Rico and who are preparing to do ministry in the Hispanic context. Perkins students who are accepted into the program pay a reduced registration fee.

International Studies

Students with sufficient Spanish language skills may be able to do a term of studies in Costa Rica or an internship in Mexico or Central America. Immersion experiences in Mexico, Central America and South America are also periodically offered through the Global Theological Education program.

Spanish Language

Perkins School of Theology will offer the MDiv. degree in Spanish, Maestría en Divinidad, for the fall 2024 semester. The Maestría en Divinidad is structured the same as the Perkins M.Div. in English but will offer culturally and contextually relevant coursework as well as the first-rate instruction from Perkins faculty members and accomplished adjunct professors. The first two years of the degree will be completely in Spanish with the possibility of transitioning into a bilingual modality in later years. Delivered through our new hybrid format, students will move through the 75-hour degree in four years as part-time students. This first installment of the Maestría en Divinidad is limited, and to maintain a strong cohort, we will only offer the degree on a rotational basis. Therefore, the fall 2024 semester will be students’ only opportunity for admission. If we continue to have strong demand, then we will consider a fall 2026 cohort.

CASA - the Centro de Acompañamiento, Solidaridad y Adiestramiento - represents a reimagined commitment to Hispanic ministry initiatives at Perkins School of Theology at a time when they are needed perhaps more than ever.

The United States Census Bureau estimates that, as of 2021, roughly 62.6 million Hispanics live in the United States and make up 19 percent of the national population. These figures, both all-time highs, present an opportunity for Perkins to continue building on its relationship and engagement with the Hispanic community that began with the formation of the school’s Mexican American Program in the 1970s. More than anything, Perkins remains committed to recruiting, preparing, and providing continuing education for people in ministry with Hispanics and Latinos/as. CASA is a merger between the school’s Center for the Study of Latino/a Christianity and Religions and the Hispanic/Latin@ Ministries Program.

Beginning in 2024, Perkins will be offering - in collaboration with Wesley Theological Seminary and thanks to a $5 million grant from the Lilly Endowment Inc. - a certificate program in Spanish for pastors with no formal training, lay pastors, and others with pastoral experience. As part of the certificate, specific courses will be offered in Preaching, Pastoral Care, Old Testament, New Testament and Leadership.

Additionally, CASA will oversee three programs designed to join communities and congregations where God is already at work and learn from them and their experiences.

Barton Lectures

The Roy D. Barton Lectureship was established in 1995 to disseminate knowledge of Hispanic/Latino theology and ministry for the benefit of the academy, the church and the wider public. 


Apuntes is an online journal providing theological reflection from the Hispanic-Latino perspective. To subscribe and access past issues:

L@s Seminaristas

L@s Seminaristas is an ecumenical student organization at Perkins dedicated to serving Christ by strengthening and encouraging student leadership. The group has a focused interest in various aspects of Latinx ministry, including Christian worship, preaching, outreach, evangelism and mission.

Global Theological Education

Through cultural immersion courses, the GTE program offers students a study of theology, scripture, missions, ministry or interreligious relationships in a cultural context different from the students’ own, usually outside the United States. These courses give special attention to the role of theological reflection in an environment affected by globalization in all its dimensions through a focused, on-site study in a particular cultural environment and region of the world.

Perkins Centers

Perkins School of Theology is home to centers approved by the Office of the Provost for teaching and research.

The Center for World Methodism at Bridwell Library was established in 1984 to encourage research, study and reflection upon the Methodist movement, including the sources that influenced its origin, the forces that shaped its development and the features that determine its character and influence. To foster these goals, the center sponsors and supports a variety of programs, publications and exhibitions. J.S. Bridwell Foundation Endowed Librarian Anthony Elia is the director of Bridwell Library.

The Perkins Center for Preaching Excellence at SMU exists to foster excellence in preaching through innovative courses at Perkins, continuing education events, mentoring relationships, peer groups focused on preaching and coaching for individuals and church staffs. The Hardin Family Preaching Mentor Program pairs seasoned practitioners from the area with Introduction to Preaching students. Peer groups throughout the Southwest bring together groups of pastors who meet monthly to work on their preaching skills. The Geo. W. and Nell Ayers LeVan Endowed Chair of Preaching and Worship and Altshuler Distinguished Teaching Professor Dr. Alyce M. McKenzie is the center’s director.