Sep 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Perkins School of Theology: Admission


Degrees Offered

Perkins offers a variety of degree programs.

Master of Divinity M.Div. Education for church leadership intended primarily, although not exclusively, for persons seeking ordination.

Dallas campus and Hybrid

Master of Arts in Ministry M.A.M. Education with the main objective the preparation of people for faith-based ministry. Dallas campus and Hybrid
Master of Sacred Music M.S.M. Education offered in cooperation with the SMU Meadows School of the Arts for the education of leaders in church music. A student seeking ordination as a deacon within the United Methodist Church may pursue required courses within any of the above degree programs. Dallas campus
Master of Theological Studies M.T.S. Education primarily for people who wish to engage in serious theological study, especially for those considering a doctoral degree. Dallas campus
Master of Theology Th.M. Education designed for students to fulfill one or more of three goals: enhancing the practice of ministry through advanced study of a particular theological or pastoral discipline, examining a specific aspect of the Christian religion/traditions or function of Christian ministry, and preparing for more advanced study at the doctoral level. Dallas campus
Doctor of Ministry D.Min. Education that provides advanced education for church leadership and is available for students who hold the M.Div. or an equivalent degree. Dallas and Houston Methodist Hospital
Doctor of Pastoral Music D.P.M. Education intended to provide an environment for the vocational renew of practicing and experienced church musicians, and equip them for changes in the profession of church music in the areas of liturgy, cultural diversity, theological perspectives, congregational song, contextual musical analysis, and additional skills related to the performance of music in worship. Dallas campus
Graduate Program in Religious Studies M.A.. Ph.D. Education in cooperation with Dedman College intended chiefly for those interested in college and university teaching and scholarship in religious studies. Further information concerning them can be obtained from the director of the Graduate Program in Religious Studies. Dallas campus

Perkins School of Theology offers the graduate degrees listed below.

Transcript   Degree or Diploma
School Major Area Master Doctor
Perkins Ministry M.A.M.
Perkins Sacred Music M.S.M. D.P.M.
Perkins Theological Studies M.T.S.  
Perkins Theology Th.M. D.Min.
Dedman College Religious Studies M.A. Ph.D.

The Admission Process

Requirements for admission for Perkins master’s degree programs are found here.

Information and documents (biographical data, transcripts, resume, recommendation letters, and essay) are to be completed and uploaded online.

Completed applications are reviewed and decisions are made as part of a rolling admissions process. A two-week turnaround can be expected once an application is submitted and all supporting documents have been uploaded. International applicants are reviewed on an annual basis.

The application for admission serves as the application for Perkins scholarships. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as early as possible to determine eligibility for federal funding.

For more information about the admission process or financial aid, contact

Application Requirements

MDiv, MAM, MTS, and MSM applicants must provide:   

  • Basic Information: Personal, Citizenship, and Church Information
  • Academic History: List all colleges and universities attended; transcripts required 
  • Recommendations (3):
  • Pastor or ordained religious leader who has observed or led you in ministry
  • Professor (if in school within the past 5 years), or a professional reference who has observed your ability and performance
  • Layperson (non-ordained) who serves in a leadership capacity in your ministry context who can address your faith journey, preparedness for graduate theological study, and potential for leadership in ministry
    **Recommenders cannot be a member of your family.
  • Resume: Provide an overview of work experience, educational background, and ministry and volunteer history.
  • Written Response: Applicants will respond to three questions in a single document that is between 3-4 pages in length. 

In addition to the above requirements, ThM applicants must also provide: 

  • Writing Sample: 1000-1500 word sample of academic writing such as an essay or excerpt from an academic paper or article.

Non-degree and Exploratory applicants must provide:

  • Biographical, demographic and church information
  • Official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended
  • One letter of recommendation from clergy, lay leader, or professor or professional colleague
  • Résumé
  • Written response to two questions in a single document that is between 1-2 pages in length.
  • Essay: Provide a 1000–1500-word essay. 

An application is complete only when the application has been submitted and all requirements have been uploaded. Once a decision is made about admission, you will be contacted by a staff person in the Office of Enrollment Management. Unless other deadlines are noted, scholarship notification is made soon after admittance. Upon accepting your offers of admission and scholarship, you will receive enrollment instructions from the Office of Enrollment Management.

Prior to Enrolling for Classes

  1. Accept your offers of admission and scholarship, if awarded, both online.
  2. Use your SMU ID# (sent to personal email account after admission) to create an account in my.smu for the purpose of enrolling for classes.
  3. Complete Task Tile in my.smu.

International Students

Degrees from Foreign Universities

International applicants who hold a bachelor’s degree from a foreign university should not assume that these degrees will be automatically accepted in U.S. universities. Decisions will be based on the academic standings of the institutions from which the applicant has graduated. Professional diplomas and higher certificates from technical or vocational schools are normally not considered as equivalent to a bachelor’s degree.

If you have a 3-year Bachelor’s degree, we do require that you provide a transcript evaluation with your application to demonstrate that it is equivalent to a U.S. 4-year Bachelor’s degree. International university transcripts must be translated into English and certified as official transcripts. Because of the importance of this information, SMU accepts evaluations only from these agencies of proven reliability. You can find a list of our approved evaluators here:

International Academic Credential Evaluators Inc.
PO Box 2585
Denton, TX 76202-2585 
Telephone: 940-383-7498

World Education Services Inc.
PO Box 745 Old Chelsea Station
New York, NY 10113-0745
Telephone: 212.966.6311
Toll-free: 800-937-3895

Josef Silny & Associates, Inc.
7101 SW 102 Avenue
Miami, FL 33173
Telephone: 305-273-1616
Fax: 305-273-1338

TOEFL and IELTS. TOEFL or IELTS scores are required for applicants whose native language is not English and whose secondary education has not been in English. More information regarding TOEFL waivers can be found here:

International Application Due Dates: 
Priority - November 15
Final - February 15

Perkins Contacts

The Office of Enrollment Management

SMU International Student & Scholar Services Office

SMU Residence Life & Student Housing Office

Admission by Transfer

The procedures and standards for admission for students who wish to transfer from other theological schools are the same as for all new students. In such a case, the student’s academic record in seminary as well as in undergraduate study or other graduate programs will be considered. A transcript of academic credits and a letter of good standing will be required from the theological school of record.

A student may apply for transfer credit from accredited schools. Individual credits will be evaluated on the basis of recency, grade, and application to the degree curriculum. The registrar in consultation with the associate dean for academic affairs will determine, in each case, the total number of credit hours that a student may transfer to a Perkins degree program and their allocation to the requirements of the program. As stipulated by the Association of Theological Schools, transfer credits may not exceed two-thirds of the degree receiving those credits. Individuals may or may not receive the maximum number of transfer credits. In some cases, samples of written work submitted may be required in addition to syllabi and a transcript.

By action of the University Senate of the United Methodist Church, only online courses offered by an official United Methodist seminary or Asbury Theological Seminary may count toward a degree for a candidate seeking ordination in the United Methodist Church. Courses in United Methodist studies, including history, doctrine, polity and evangelism, required for United Methodist ordination are transferable only from theological schools approved by the United Methodist University Senate. For non-United Methodist students, credits received for online courses at other institutions will be considered for transfer credit on an equal basis with courses taught in other formats.

Transfer credit toward the M.S.M. degree is discussed under the requirements for admission to that program in another section of this catalog.

Shared Credit

Shared credit refers to a school’s decision to count credits from one master’s degree toward those required for a second master’s degree. Shared credit can occur when students complete one program before beginning the second or may occur when they are enrolled in both degree programs simultaneously. Credits may be shared between two accredited graduate programs as long as each degree program has a clear integrity, meets the appropriate degree program standards, and does not exceed two-thirds of the degree receiving those credits. Individuals may or may not receive the maximum number of shared credits. In each case, a transcript of academic credits is required from an accredited institution. A student interested in the possibility of transfer with shared credit should notify the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs prior to the beginning of coursework. Shared credit is not applicable for the ThM degree.

Advanced Standing

A student with prior (typically undergraduate) coursework, formal learning not transcripted, or other demonstrated achievement of course learning outcomes may seek advanced standing in the work of a division. Advanced standing (with or without credit) may only be granted based on an appropriate means of assessment that students have the knowledge, competence, or skills that would normally be provided by the specific course for which they have been admitted with advanced standing. Advanced standing is typically granted without credit, and thus does not reduce the amount of credit that must be earned in the division or in the degree program as a whole, but it enables the student to use their time to better advantage. A transcript of academic credits is required, when applicable, and, in most cases, an oral or written assessment of competence. Students interested in the possibility of advanced standing should notify the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in writing as early as possible and no later than the beginning of their first term at Perkins. Advanced standing is not applicable for the ThM degree.

Withdrawal, Re-entry and Readmission

A student who withdraws from school for any reason for part or all of a regular academic year and who has been away from the University for less than 24 months must make a request in writing to the associate dean for academic affairs and complete the re-entry form. A student who withdraws from school for any reason for part or all of a regular academic year and who has been away from the University for 24 months or more must re-apply through the office of Enrollment Management for readmission. The Office of Enrollment Management will notify the Committee on Student Development as soon as possible of such readmission.

The faculty may, at any time, require the withdrawal of any student whose conduct is, in the judgment of the faculty, inconsistent with the standards of the school and the University or with the objectives of the degree program in which the student is enrolled.

Change of Degree Program

A student who is currently enrolled in the M.Div., M.A.M., M.S.M. or M.T.S. program and who wants to transfer to another of these programs must formally put forward a Request for Change of Degree form through the Office of the Registrar for admission to the new degree program. The registrar should be consulted regarding the appropriate procedure. The transfer of credit hours is subject to the direction and approval of the registrar and the associate dean for academic affairs. Ordinarily, credit is fully transferable between programs. A current student wanting to change degrees to the Th.M. degree program must formally apply for admission to the new degree program, meeting the requirements for the Th.M. degree program.

Combined Degree Programs

One may pursue two Perkins professional master’s degrees concurrently in any of several combinations. A student considering such an option should consult with the associate dean for academic affairs. At least one-third of the credits for the shorter of the two degree programs must be earned while the student is enrolled in that shorter degree. Further, the student must demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes and other relevant curricular expectations for both degrees.

Admission of Non-degree seeking Students and Auditors

Persons who wish to take courses for credit but who do not wish to enter a degree program may seek admission to Perkins as a non-degree seeking student. The student must submit a completed application.

Admission as a non-degree seeking student is for one year (two terms) only. A student desiring to continue beyond the one-year limit must formally ask the associate dean for academic affairs to continue beyond the two terms. Admission as a non-degree seeking student does not guarantee, nor does it preclude, later admission to any degree program offered by Perkins. Non-degree seeking students are not eligible for any form of financial assistance from the school.

Non-degree seeking students who declare an interest in a future degree program may be considered Exploratory students. Exploratory students are eligible for institutional aid for up to two courses to be taken within a single twelve-month period.

People desiring to audit a course must secure permission from the registrar and the course instructor, and must pay an audit fee before completing registration.

Other Programs of Study

In addition to its degree programs, Perkins offers various other programs of study, formal and informal. Some of these may be pursued in conjunction with a degree program, while others are independent. Some lead to ordination while others are simply opportunities for continuing education. All are described in the following sections of this catalog: Special Programs for Academic Credit, Areas of Concentration and Services in Continuing Education.