Mar 06, 2025
ARHS 4304 - The City as Place Credits: 3
Given to us by ancient Roman reality and myth, the distinction between the city as a physical place (“urbs”) and the city as an idea (“orbis”) created a long–standing link between territory and ritual, locale and law, nation and citizen, and homeland and world. Students investigate the city in Italy in space and time as it is the locus of such cultural to–and–fro. The goal is to better understand the complexities of the Italian city as a living entity. The period of study spans some 3,000 years, from the Etruscan foundations of Rome to Richard Meier’s Jubilee Church, located along the suburban periphery of the city. Topics include the Italian city of antiquity, early Christianity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Baroque era, and modernism. Includes city and museum tours, lecture, readings, discussion, and short essays. (Temporalities pre– and post–1500) (SMU–in–Italy)
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