Mar 10, 2025  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog
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LAW 6213 - M&A Contract Drafting

Credits: 2

Limited enrollment, practice skills seminar designed to build upon the lessons learned in first-year contracts (LAW 8290 ) and first-year torts (LAW 7391 ) and to apply those lessons to the world of transactional lawyering. Students study real-world agreements (e.g., LOIs, IOIs, term sheets, NDAs, and side letters) entered into at the early stages of an M&A transaction in order to comment upon, draft, and negotiate examples of some of those agreements in class. While the course is geared toward the M&A world, the contract drafting skills covered are applicable in any transactional practice. Students prepare initial drafts of transactional agreements, review agreements in which errors or lack of clarity in contract drafting gave rise to disputes requiring judicial determination, and read current and classic cases to analyze the “contort” common law that forms the basis for interpreting and enforcing each contractual agreement draft. Class attendance, preparation, and participation are critical to a student’s learning experience and to that of his or her classmates, as well. Grades are based on a combination of class performance and/or classroom exercises, and either a short paper or a few short memos prepared about specific drafting issues. 

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