Feb 17, 2025
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Individualized Studies in the Liberal Arts, B.A., With a Focus on Women’s and Gender Studies
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Students may complete a B.A. in individualized studies in the liberal arts with a focus on women’s and gender studies. Students wishing to earn distinction must take a directed studies course that requires a research project and paper.
Students who qualify for individualized studies in the liberal arts and who have a strong interest in women’s role in culture and society, or in the study of gender and sexuality more generally, may propose a program that focuses on women’s and gender studies. The program should expose the student to the diversity of gender meanings within and across cultures. The program description and administrative procedures specified for the individualized major in the liberal arts apply, with the following additional stipulations:
- The student must consult with the director, who shall serve as one of the members of the Faculty Supervisory Committee for the student’s major.
- Two additional faculty members who teach courses in the program serve on this committee, which oversees the student’s progress and certifies completion of the major.
- The student’s program must include courses in at least four disciplines (not counting WGST courses). At least two at the 4000 level or above are strongly recommended.
Many program-approved departmental courses with a subject area in women’s and gender studies courses are offered annually and, with a few exceptions, the remainder are available at least every other year. Students should consult with the director about offerings and frequency.
Requirements for the Major
Core Course (3 Credit Hours)
Two from the following: (6 Credit Hours)
Additional Courses (27 Credit Hours)
Nine relevant WGST or program-approved courses (below) at the 3000-level or above - ANTH 3310 - Gender and Sex Roles: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
- ANTH 3328 /WGST 3328 - Gender Violence: Anthropological Perspectives
- ANTH 3336 - Gender and Globalization: Cultural and Ethical Issues
- ANTH 4386 /6386 - The Archaeology of Gender and Sexuality
- ARHS 3358 /6389 - Gender and Sexuality in the Visual Arts
- ARHS 3365 /6365 - Race and Gender in Visual Culture
- CCPA 3341 - Ethnicity, Culture, and Gender: Introduction to Critical Studies in Communication
- CE 8338 - Emancipatory Educational Ministry with Adolescent Girls (Perkins graduate course; instructor approval)
- ENGL 1360 - The American Heroine
- ENGL 3344 - Victorian Gender
- ENGL 3364 - Women and the Southwest
- ENGL 3367 - Ethical Implications of Children’s Literature
- ENGL 3371 /HIST 3357 - Joan of Arc: History, Literature, and Film
- ENGL 3373 /WL 3359 - Masculinities: Images/Perspectives
- ENGL 3377 - Literature and the Construction of Homosexuality
- ENGL 3379 - Literary and Cultural Contexts of Disability: Gender, Care, and Justice
- ENGL 4330 - Renaissance Writers
- ENGL 4343 - Studies in British Literature in the Age of Revolutions
- ENGL 6391 - Topics/Seminars (topic must be approved by director)
- ENGL 6392 - Topics/Seminars (topic must be approved by director)
- ENGL 6393 - Topics/Seminars (topic must be approved by director)
- ENGL 6394 - Topics/Seminars (topic must be approved by director)
- ENGL 6395 - Topics/Seminars (topic must be approved by director)
- FILM 2332 - American Popular Film and Television (topic to be approved by director)
- FILM 2362 - Diversity and American Film: Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality
- FILM 3310 - Screen Artists (topic to be approved by director)
- FILM 3395 - Topics in Film and Media Studies (topic to be approved by director)
- FREN 5334 - Genre Studies (topic to be approved by director)
- HIST 1321 - Introductory Topics in American History (topic to be approved by director)
- HIST 1322 - Introductory Topics in European History (topic to be approved by director)
- HIST 3301 /HRTS 3301 - Human Rights: America’s Delemma
- HIST 3310 - Problems in American History (topic to be approved by director)
- HIST 3312 - Women in American History to 1900
- HIST 3316 - History of Sex in America
- HIST 3317 /HRTS 3317 - Persecution to Affirmation: Sexual Minorities and Human Rights
- HIST 3317 - Persecution to Affirmation: Sexual Minorities and Human Rights
- HIST 3327 - Women in American History From 1865
- HIST 3329 - Women in Early Modern Europe
- HIST 3330 - Women in Modern European History
- HIST 3348 - American Families: Changing Experiences and Expectations
- HIST 3355 - Class and Gender in Ancient Society
- HIST 3394 - The New Woman: The Emergence of Modern Womanhood in the U.S., 1890-1930
- HIST 3398 - Women in Chinese History
- HIST 4304 - At the Crossroads: Gender and Sexuality in the Southwest
- JOUR 4360 - Women and Minorities in the Media
- MDVL 3352 - Ideas and Ideal of Gender in the Middle Ages
- PC 8333 - Pastoral Care and Counseling of Women (Perkins graduate course; instructor approval)
- PC 8335 - Sexual and Domestic Violence: Theological and Pastoral Concerns (Perkins graduate course; instructor approval)
- PHIL 3305 - Philosophy and Gender
- PLSC 3370 - Women and Politics
- PLSC 4344 - Gender in World Politics
- PLSC 4339 - Criminal Procedure: 5th and 6th Amendment Rights
- PSYC 3371 - Psychology of Women
- RELI 3374 - Female and Male in Religion and Culture
- RELI 3375 - The Feminine Divine
- RELI 3380 - Women and Religion in America
- RELI 3381 - Religion, Gender, and Economic Development
- SOCI 3330 - Social Construction of Identities
- SOCI 3345 - Construction of Social Identities in the Media
- SOCI 3351 - Sociology of the Family
- SOCI 3371 - Sociology of Gender
- SOCI 4373 - Class, Race, and Gender Inequalities
- SPAN 5336 - Spanish-American Novel (director approves topic)
- ST 8375 - Feminist/Womanist Theologies (Perkins graduate course; instructor approval)
- THEA 4381 - Studies in Theatre, Drama, and Performance (director approves)
- THEA 4382 - Studies in Theatre, Drama, and Performance (director approves)
- THEA 4383 - Studies in Theatre, Drama, and Performance (director approves)
- THEA 4384 - Studies in Theatre, Drama, and Performance (director approves)
- WGST 3310 /HRTS 3310 - Gender and Human Rights
- WGST 3380 - Human Sexuality
- WGST 4303 - Women’s and Gender Studies Internship
- WGST 4309 - Independent Studies
- WL 3363 - Figuring the Feminine
- WL 4345 /HRTS 4345 - Women’s Rights and Human Rights in Literature by Latin American Women
- WO 8308 - Women and Worship (Perkins’ graduate course; instructor approval)
- XS 8345 - Faith, Feminism, and Public Policy (Perkins graduate course; instructor approval)
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