Mar 06, 2025  
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Sacred Music, M.S.M., Worship Arts Concentration


The Master of Sacred Music degree program is jointly sponsored by Perkins School of Theology and the Division of Music of Meadows School of the Arts for the preparation of professional music and arts leadership in the church and, if one chooses, ordination as a deacon. Recognizing the existence of several models of professional church music leadership, this program provides a wide range of graduate-level training in performance, professional and academic skills.

High priority is placed upon the preparation of the church musician as enabler of congregational singing and conductor of various ensembles in both the church and the community. Professional church music courses, supervised practicum, worship leadership opportunities, conducting projects and other work offered in the School of Theology and the Division of Music provide opportunities to learn a wide range of literature, performance practices and skills and to apply this learning in both academic and churchly settings.

The program is enriched not only by the theological context in the School of Theology and relationship with Meadows School of the Arts, but also by the diverse and vibrant worship life and artistic opportunities in the Dallas area, one of the fastest growing metropolitan areas in the United States. Congregations reflect many ecumenical and cross-cultural possibilities that enrich the academic experience including a wide range of worship styles and more new organ installations in that last three decades than any other city in the world. Performance venues for symphony, opera and choral music, as well as spaces for dance, theatre and other artistic exhibitions make this one of the major hubs for the arts in the United States. An M.S.M. graduate should demonstrate the following aspirational goals:

  • Musical, theological, liturgical and contextual discernment, including the ability to make sound musical and theological judgments about works performed, (e.g., questions of validity, quality and contextual appropriateness on the twin levels of text and music) and the capability to situate a musical work in a local context.
  • Musical skills, including advanced accomplishment in an applied area appropriate to a faith community’s piety, demonstrated through the voice, keyboard and choral rehearsal technique, and informed by the history and analysis of the genres of church music as well as by sensitivity to the ways current technologies can aid the realization of the music’s goals in its contexts.
  • Pedagogical process, including an understanding of faith formation through music for musicians of all types and ages, and application of processes for engaging musical participation by choirs and the congregation in worship.
  • An understanding of the discipline of sacred music within a larger theological and cultural framework.
  • Clarity toward a theology that positions music in all its dimensions as praise to God and service to neighbor, as biblically based offering and prophecy, and as proclamation of Gospel.
  • Interpersonal sensitivity and organizational skills, including the ability to foster professional interpersonal relationships, Christian community in musical ensembles, and skills to effectively administer a music and worship ministry that supports the mission of a congregation in its context.

Requirements for Admission

Applicants for the M.S.M. program must hold a Bachelor of Music or Bachelor of Music Education degree, or its equivalent, from a regionally accredited institution. Their undergraduate preparation must include credited work in choral conducting and at least 30 credit hours of courses in the liberal arts.

A cumulative GPA of at least 3.000 (on a 4.000 scale) is required for admission to the Division of Music. Admission to the School of Theology further requires that a minimum GPA of 2.750 be achieved in the student’s liberal arts work. The concentration in liturgical musicology requires a cumulative GPA of at least 3.500 for admittance and requires that the student maintain at least a 3.500 GPA for all graduate work. Although one application is made through Perkins School of Theology, successful applicants for the M.S.M. program are accepted by both the Division of Music in the Meadows School of the Arts and the Perkins School of Theology.

The applicant is expected to bring capabilities in one of the seven concentrations offered, demonstrating potential for success for study at the graduate level. Admission to the applied concentrations (choral conducting, keyboards, organ, and composition and arranging) requires that the applicant demonstrate performance capabilities by a personal audition (for organists and for keyboards) or by an online Web link (for choral conductors). All academic concentrations (music education, worship arts and liturgical musicology) include applied instruction in choral conducting and organ and a keyboard proficiency exam. In addition, the application should include a description of previous experience or written work that demonstrates the applicant’s ability to pursue graduate level work in the chosen concentration.

Applicants who already hold graduate degrees in music (Master of Music, Master of Music Education or other comparable degree) or who have completed some coursework at the graduate level may, upon the approval of the director of the program, apply up to nine credit hours (or the equivalent) of nonperformance graduate musical or theological study toward the M.S.M. degree. However, this work must also meet the approval of the Committee on Graduate Studies of the Division of Music (if the work is in music) or of the registrar of the Perkins School of Theology (if the work is in theology). Applicants who have already earned a graduate degree in music may also qualify for the Master of Theological Studies degree with a concentration in church music and worship, a program that focuses specifically on church music skills and repertoire and on theological studies. Applicants interested in such options should consult with the director of the M.S.M. program.

With the approval of the appropriate admissions committees, a student may pursue a second M.M. degree following the completion of the M.S.M. The applicant must satisfy the audition requirements of the Division of Music faculty in the Meadows School of the Arts. Depending on the field of study chosen for the M.M., an additional master’s degree usually requires only one additional year because of the overlap in the programs. Hours in the M.S.M. may also apply toward the M.Div., Master of Theology or M.A. degrees offered by the Perkins School of Theology. Consultation with the director of the M.S.M. program is recommended.

Planning a Program of Study

The course of study includes some work taken in common by all M.S.M. students and some work that is designed to serve the individual student’s particular needs and interests. Each student elects one of seven options for concentration. All entering students must take graduate placement examinations administered by the Division of Music. These examinations aid in determining the student’s strengths and weaknesses in the areas of music history, literature, theory, aural perception and, for choral conductors, keyboard proficiency. The results are used by the student and his or her adviser in planning a proposed course of study for the degree. After successfully completing 12 credit hours of approved coursework, each student, in consultation with his or her adviser, will prepare and submit a Proposed Course of Study to the director of the M.S.M. program. Any subsequent alterations to this proposal must be submitted in writing for approval.

Course Requirements

The requirements for the M.S.M. total 48 credit hours, and they may be completed in two years (usually including summers) depending on the results of the Graduate Placement Examinations. Placement exams in music history and theory will be administered during the week before classes begin in Meadows School of the Arts. Those pursuing an additional graduate music degree in Meadows School of the Arts or fulfilling the requirements for deacon’s ordination in the United Methodist Church will require up to an extra year of study.

Students are also required to participate in a spiritual formation group for two terms during the first year of study. The required supervised practicum includes musical/liturgical leadership in a local congregation and work with a church music mentor.

The 48 credit hours for the M.S.M. are distributed as follows:

Required Courses

Total: 11 Credit Hours

Professional Skills and Methods

  • (four terms)
  • Participation in a Meadows choral ensemble, as determined by placement audition (two consecutive terms within the same academic year)

Perkins or Meadows Electives

The nine elective hours will be determined in consultation with the student’s adviser on the basis of the outcome objectives of the M.S.M. program and the student’s competency to meet these objectives.

Total: 9 Credit Hours

Concentration Requirements

Total: 13 Credit Hours

Total: 48 Credit Hours


  • For United Methodist students pursuing deacon’s orders, the 12 credit hours under “Theological Studies” may count toward the 24 credit hour requirement. It may be possible to use hours under “Perkins or Meadows Electives” to satisfy more of the 24-hour requirement.

  • The prerequisite course for WO 6313 , XS 6310 - The Church in Its Social Context , is not required for the M.S.M. degree.

  • Elective courses for the choral or organ concentration will be determined in consultation with the student’s adviser on the basis of the outcome objectives of the M.S.M. program and the student’s competency to meet these objectives.

  • Candidates in the M.S.M. choral concentration must take a keyboard proficiency exam before classes begin during their first year. Those who are unable to pass the proficiency exam must take PERB 5107 , PERB 5108  Keyboard Skills for Choral Conductors. Information on the exam will be sent to all incoming students in this concentration.

  • A portion of the hours for the organ concentration under “Perkins or Meadows Electives” may be used for choral conducting, depending on the placement evaluation. No more than three elective hours of applied study in Meadows may be counted toward the M.S.M. degree requirements.

  • Private vocal instruction for M.S.M. students will be offered only for those who have also been accepted into the Master of Music in voice major as a concurrent degree program or by audition with the voice faculty. Private vocal instruction for M.S.M. students is subject to the availability of voice faculty.

During the student’s final term of enrollment, he or she will be given a set of comprehensive written examinations covering the major areas of study and related fields. Satisfactory performance on these examinations and a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.000 or a grade of B on all M.S.M. work are required for graduation.

Students seeking ordained deacon status in the United Methodist Church will need 12 additional credit hours beyond the required coursework for the M.S.M. degree. For specific information, students should contact the director of the M.S.M. program.

Entrance Exams and Proficiency Requirements

All students will be required to take entrance exams in music history and music theory before beginning their first term of study. If exams are not passed, the following courses are required in the respective areas:

Spiritual Formation

All students completing the M.S.M. are required to register for the program in spiritual formation. Students are required to attend a daylong orientation held in conjunction with the new student orientation program and are then enrolled in formation groups. These groups meet weekly throughout the fall and spring terms during the first year of the program.

Led by facilitators in groups of five to 10, students share in a formative experience designed to provide them with the framework of a common experience, emphasizing the following:

  • The opportunity to explore the vital connection between spiritual formation and ministry.
  • Opportunities to explore the central genius of spiritual traditions.
  • The development of a critical capacity that will allow the student to evaluate those traditions theologically.
  • Broad-based exposure to a variety of spiritual disciplines.
  • Experience in prayer and devotion.

Students are evaluated and given credit by the group facilitators on the basis of attendance and engagement with the subject matter of the formation process. Students should register in both the fall and spring of the first year. Exceptions to this rule must be requested in writing from the director of spiritual life and formation.

The Supervised Practicum

Students enroll in the course CM 8120 - Supervised Practicum  during the spring term of their first or second year. Students should have secured positions in a local church setting by no later than the second year of study. The Sacred Music Office provides assistance in securing placement in view of each student’s pedagogical and financial needs. A professor in the Sacred Music Program will serve as a liaison between Perkins and the student’s church so that the student has sufficient support to meet the requirements of the practicum.

In the second or third year, with the approval of the M.S.M. faculty, the student will present a service of worship in her/his church to complete CM 8120 . This service becomes the graduate project for the M.S.M. degree and will be given a pass or fail grade by an evaluating M.S.M. faculty member.

Admission to Candidacy

M.S.M. students will be reviewed for admission to formal candidacy for the degree in the fall term following the completion of 18 credit hours of academic work. A student will be admitted to candidacy provided that he or she has achieved a grade average of 3.000, is not on academic probation and is not disqualified for having given insufficient evidence of fitness for ministry (described in the Fitness for Ministry section below). Admission to formal candidacy signifies that the student is proceeding satisfactorily in his or her work and may be considered for the degree upon completion of all the requirements, but it does not oblige the seminary to grant the degree.

Fitness for Ministry

Beyond the formal academic requirements, each student is expected to show evidence of personal fitness for ministry. This fitness may be defined positively as the presence of emotional, moral and spiritual qualities requisite for the profession of ministry. A lack of fitness for ministry may be demonstrated by patterns of personal behavior that inhibit effective ministry. Examples of such patterns include irresponsibility in social and/or professional relations and emotional instability. Formally, the presence of patterns of personal behavior tending to be seriously disabling to ministry may be grounds for the faculty to disqualify a student from graduation with the M.S.M. degree. If the prognosis justifies it, the committee may choose to defer awarding the degree until such time as the disabling pattern is overcome.

It should be emphasized that personal fitness for ministry is not defined narrowly in terms of a particular form of piety or style of personal behavior, nor does Perkins assume the role that belongs properly to those agencies of the church that evaluate candidates for ordination. When asked, it assists such agencies in their evaluations.

Time Limit

All requirements for the M.S.M. degree must be completed within seven calendar years from the time of initial registration.

Financial Aid

In addition to the financial aid described elsewhere in this catalog, a limited number of scholarships, fellowships and work grants are available specifically to M.S.M. students. Inquiries should be addressed to the director of the M.S.M. program. In addition, most M.S.M. students are employed by a local congregation as a part of the supervised practicum requirement for the M.S.M. degree.