Mar 02, 2025  
2018-2019 Graduate Catalog 
2018-2019 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Accounting, M.S.A.


The curriculum of the M.S.A. program is designed to provide students with an in-depth examination of critical accounting, tax and financial issues. Students will take a total of 32 to 40 credit hours depending on their prior academic background. Of the 32 minimum required hours, 22 must be in accounting courses. The fall and spring 16-week terms are divided into two eight-week modules, A and B, with each module course being two credit hours. To provide students with a broad variety of elective courses, classes are scheduled in the morning, afternoon and evening, Monday through Thursday, as well as Saturday morning.

M.S.A. program applicants must have completed six hours of introductory accounting courses. In addition, if not previously completed, four hours of intermediate accounting, and two hours of tax accounting prior to enrollment. Other configurations will be examined on an individual basis in consultation with the program director.

The Cox School of Business seeks candidates who show a strong potential for success in today’s global business environment. Candidates who demonstrate analytical capabilities, leadership experience, interpersonal and communication skills, and personal commitment and motivation are invited to apply. The Admissions Committee seeks candidates who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement and potential, leadership qualities, and management potential. To assess these characteristics, the committee will look to the following elements to help identify a candidate’s potential to succeed in the program: GMAT management/business graduate school admission test scores, previous academic records, recommendations that speak to a candidate’s professional performance and self-evaluation essays. For complete details and an application packet, students should visit or contact the Cox Admissions Office: telephone 214-768-1214 or 1-800-472-3622; fax 214-768-3956;


M.S.A. Class 2019: Entry Fall 2018, Graduate Spring 2019

Total Credit Hours: 32 to 40 

Summer Term

Term 1 – Fall

Module A Courses

Module B Courses

Term Total: 16 Credit Hours

Term 2 – Spring

Module A Courses

Term Total: 16 Credit Hours

Credit Hours Summary for M.S.A. Program

0-8 credit hours of preparatory courses 
16 credit hours of required accounting courses
16 credit hours of elective courses

32-40 credit hours total for Cox M.S.A. degree

Concentration Requirements

Students are required to choose and declare one of the two concentrations listed below. 

Assurance and Advisory Concentration

Students take these three courses as part of their elective course selections. 

Tax Concentration

Students take these three courses as part of their elective course selections. 

Additional Course Requirement

In addition to taking the required accounting courses and courses for their chosen concentration, all students must meet the degree requirement of taking one course in valuation and a course on data analytics in accounting (ACCT 6220 - Accounting Data Analytics ). The course options for satisfying the valuations requirement are as follows:

Ethics Requirement

The Certified Public Accountant Exam ethics requirement for the state of Texas, if not met with undergraduate coursework, can be met by taking the following course:

CPA Requirements

As requirements for being certified as a CPA vary by state, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the requirements are met.

Planning Assistance

For planning assistance regarding the elective course options, students should visit the M.S.A. website or contact the director of the M.S.A. program at